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About epicyolomaster420

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  1. To be brutally honest (which I suppose is what this situation calls for) I did indeed have this area copy pasted in the editor to start with, but I then made changes long before ever pushing a release, that I thought were substancial enough to set it apart. I removed all the intricate, hard to draw details and areas, retextured everything and even changed the layout somewhat and added another cage from which the demons come from and in my book this made the area diffrent enough to rightfully label as something based on your map rather than something stolen or as some people are calling it plagiorised, which brings me to my next point, which is that: that is exactly what I did, though I did not even think to consider it plagiorism as all of you are saying that it is. It seems I have a very diffrent view on what I consider to be plagiorism than everyone else does... I will admit that I did for a second consider that it may not be OK, but then couldn't stop thinking how it would be nice to get the megawad wraped up by the end of the year (2023) or if not then at least ASAP after that, so I convinced myself that it is OK and even thought of it as a nice, efficient and clever shortcut for a time. I let my ambition and desire to wrap things up blind me again and I am sorry for that. That's not true. I can create I just don't have much time for doing it so I often find myself resorting to short-cuts such as these and not stopping long to think whetever or not what I'm doing is OK. No I'm not. I just get blinded by my ambition and desire to get shit done quick sometimes, so I take shortcuts to success and even not consider if such shortcuts are "by the (rule) book" sometimes. This is also my official answer to this question: I know this isn't the best way of doing things and that it comes across as untrustworthy at times but it's just in my nature and not something I know how to change... Big disagree on both those points as I never wanted to break anyone's trust, be manipulative in any way to anyone or be an asshole but just genuinly did not consider what I'm doing to be wrong in any way. I'm sorry you feel that way, though I will have you know that I did actually learn something then (more specificaly that copy pasting entire areas and just retexturing things is not OK and that just mentioning you copy-pasted something in the credits and who you did it from does not make doing so OK either) so I do still consider that the experience did wise me up a bit and genuinly think I was on my way towards making great and original stuff in the future. I just have not learned yet that even building an area out of someone else's isn't OK either if done without permission. I will therefore change the last P1M9 area from what it currently is to something that looks nothing like that area (or any other) from Razza's level and also search the rest of the wad for other instances of this, though I can say even from a cursory glance that if even these kind of areas aren't OK that I still have a lot of work to do... Again I'm sorry if I upset anyone by what I did, but I let myself get blinded by my desire to wrap this project up as soon as possible again. I suppose I just got to learn once and for all that such huge projects can not be rushed and that the shortcuts I often take in defiance of that can upset people sometimes.
  2. OK so I finaly managed to fix the link. I found that instead of leading just to the file itself like it was suppose to the link went to the entire Cleanout folder. The file as it turns out had synched up into there but only didn't show that it did on the synchronisation status icon next to the file on the onedrive folder on my computer. Either way the link works now and goes to just the file so there is no need for people to search for it specificaly in the flood of other files. I've also done some work to P3M8, but it was only enough work to apply some polish. The level still ain't tested yet and some rooms are still in their prototype faze & thrown together in a hurry so I'll still be making adjustments...
  3. I'd like to extend my apologies to anyone who may have tried & failed to download the wad since my last post, as it seems that the share link is broken because the wad is refusing to sync from my computer's onedrive folder to the cloud. I'll try my best to fix this as soon as possible, but so far everything I tried has failed so it might take some time, though I suppose that this does at least give me an opportunity to finish polishing and testing the P3M8 level so perhaps this is for the best...
  4. So after a month and a half I've now managed to either replace a vast majority of all the copy pasted areas or change them up so much that the geometry is no longer comprable to the original one that was copy pasted, have removed Razza's map and even made a replacement map for it, based on a similar idea. This version of the wad is still not yet final as I do still intend to make quite a few changes to P3M8, which is still very unpolished and untested at the moment (as the level had to be basicaly completely gutted to remove the copy-pasted areas and then reassembled with other areas), but this version of the wad should do for now... Also happy new year's everyone!
  5. Also since I'm not only curious but also don't want to end up cutting something that I arguably shouldn't since it might be good I was wondering if you could elaborate on what you think these neat ideas are: Thanks in advance for your reply and also thanks again for your last post. It was really positive & I liked it :)
  6. Thanks a lot for the kind words and the motivational speech and also no worries: I needed treatment like the kind I was getting earlier to get reason through that thick skull of mine (yes I saw that post before you deleted it...).Also come to think of it I was being kind of an asshole myself, so I didn't really deserve better...
  7. Thanks. Also yes I was thinking of doing something like that, though I imagined something more along the lines of 2 or maybe 3 episodes long. It will probably be quite a while before I have the time and motivation to take on something like this though...
  8. Also just so that people are aware my maps in this project (even as it currently stands) are all at least 75-80% original with the exeption of E1M3, E2M3, E2M4, E3M1, E3M3, E3M5, E3M6, E3M7, E3M9, E4M1 & E4M2 which are 100% my own creations and don't contain a single linedef copy pasted from anyone else's work, E3M8 which is like 50% copy pasted and E1M7 whose originality procentage I can't really estimate because it started off life as a full Doom1 E1M8 copy paste (back when I decided I was going to make this map for RAMP and decided to start there) but then got changed up and added to more and more until eventualy becoming a tribute map and first being released to RAMP as the map named "Boss Rush" (map156) and then turned into the map that is in this WAD today. If you don't believe me then I'd be happy to send you the WAD (minus Razza's level) and the very extensive README (that talks of this in great detail) so that you can find out for yourself!
  9. OK even I can't argue with that. I just never thought of it that way before & while I can't agree with the following: ,because my vivid memory of all the work I did do for this project actively contradicts it I will admit that my attitude hasn't done anything to let people believe me. I really did make most of the maps in this project myself and tried to make most of each of them fully original at that, but ran out of both ideas and time and then decided to resort to copy pasting as I wanted to be done with the project ASAP, rather than get bogged down for weeks, months or maybe even years in trying to make collosal uber detailed maps, that also play great like Insane_Gazebo with Sunder. I had many struggles in my personal life recently, wanted this project to be over ASAP so that I could move on to dealing with these struggles, but at the same time still allowed my ambition with this project to be way higher than I should have in such a situation, as a result decided to cut corners and look for short cuts to success and never even stopped to think that what I'm doing isn't OK (in fact I even felt entitled to do such things as I thought that, what I'm going through makes what I was doing justified), for which I am sorry. Because of this I would like to: 1. I am sorry for anyone I may have offended in my last few posts, as I clearly wasn't thinking straight and was too busy being outraged on how my attempts at wraping up the project were being rejected, while thinking what I did was perfectly fine AND 2. Let everyone know that this: is not true as I am instead a genuine and legit experienced mapper who just allowed himself to take quite a few shortcuts too many and convinced himself that doing so is OK. AND 3. Announce that I will indeed not distribute the current version of the WAD without permission of every mapper involved in it's creation and will therefore remove @Razza's map and if any other mapper comes forth their levels before sending the WAD off to people in DM's. I still intend on keeping the download links removed so that people don't download the current not permited WAD, and may even consider taking out other copy-pasted sections (even though I have permission to keep them in), but only if my motivation to work on this project returns (as it's currently all spent) and if I also get any free time (as I will no longer have any for quite a while now due to my school obligations which have accumulated). If anyone really wants to get their hands on these WADS I will send it to them after I've removed Razza's level and potencialy any other content that people, who've worked on this project decide they want gone, but other than that this is the only activity this project is likely to see for the next few weeks, months or perhaps even longer. Again, I'm sorry!
  10. You have a point there and I do agree with you, but I've just about had it with the criticism. For that reason I've decided to remove the download links and from now on only distribute the WAD through DM's to people who actually want it and are willing to message me for it. @Razza I hope you're happy now... If any other Cleanout mapper wishes to voice their disagrement on the inclusion of their stuff, then by my guest. Do so! They'll just have to to release their maps or music made for this project on their own then. If anyone else wants to talk shit about the project and disassociate themselves from it than they can do that too. I no longer care!
  11. I'm not disrespecting anyone. I'm just voicing my opinion on unfounded BS criticism and there is NOTHING shamefull about it!
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