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About L0kken

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  1. This Sunday (08/10/23) 5PM UTC the team will be streaming a playthrough of the original TrenchFoot demo and shooting the shit and playing CountryCide co-op later on. We would be honored if you could join us. If you're interested don't forget to hit the notification bell.
  2. Thanks for the reply but that's not it sadly. Not sure I ever played that one though I will have to check it out.
  3. I remember playing a wad a long time ago that starts off in a spaceship flying through space and you eventually get the ship to enter a planet's atmosphere and then the next map is on the surface of the planet. The really awesome thing was when standing on the bridge looking out during the transition it would go from a starfield texture to clouds and ocean. It was amazing and I'd love to play it again.
  4. Hey what's up guys. We've got a new article for Trench Foot up on ModDB featuring 8 whole minutes of gameplay with a ton of information regarding new mechanics, our new HUD and our plans to begin beta testing soon via our community Discord. Read it here. Join the discord here.
  5. I'm kind of hesitant to make any announcements regarding a new release date until we're in the endgame of development. Ideally, I would like to release in q1 of 2023.
  6. Cooked up a new story trailer for you all. It briefly outlines the situation and factions in the game. Hope you enjoy it.
  7. It's been too long, but we have a new article up on moddb. Check it out here.
  8. New article up on ModDB check it out.
  9. Thank's for the interest and coverage guys. Hopefully, we can improve the gameplay and get it as slick as possible.
  10. Finally got around to establishing an outpost here on DoomWorld! Sorry it has taken so long. Introduction: Story: ScreenShots: TrenchFoot videos: CountryCide: The first of many prequel episodes or "FootNotes" CountryCide takes Master Templar on a survival horror adventure away from the trenches and into the rural wilderness of Slakartvia. You can download CountryCide and the old alpha version of TrenchFoot from our ModDB page. Trench Work dev team: Credits: Links:
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