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About monkeymancrazy

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    cacodemon rocks
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  1. so I tried playing doom 2 wads through command prompt, but when I run the bat file it says "doom2.wad not present" how do i fix this? Thanks. edit: i fixed it edit 2: i didnt actually fix it
  2. its a pretty cool megawad i made with oblige its maps are very big and you possibly wont get through it. its actually fun aswell, it might be frustrating at times though. heres wad https://doomshack.org/uploads/domain_of_the_overlord.wad Name: Domain of the overlord (domain_of_the_overlord) IWAD: Doom 2 Compatibility: Vanilla Ports Tested: Gzdoom, uh idk Map slots: Map11 Music: original game Gameplay: single-player Difficulty Settings: Yes Build Time: 1 day Requirements: no jumping/crouching wait is oblige allowed? because i used oblige
  3. can anyone help me with making a custom enemy for doom on slade 3 and importing it into ultimate doom builder? can anyone help me? thanks
  4. how do i set up prboom+ im tired of gzdoom being really slow and i want a more smoother source port i also want to test my wads on differant source ports help it says CheckIWAD: IWAD tag C:\Users\####\Desktop\MC\doom\prboom-plus- not present
  5. here is my other doom wad i made 14 hours ago with like 8 icon of sin spawners https://wadhosting.com/Wad/4880B6C7EF09CFD3CFD73E2CA685E43A93E5BD72
  6. there are 15135 archviles and in a separate room that you cant access without noclip and it is the exit room with a bunch of cyberdemons edit: download link https://wadhosting.com/Wad/C5B47867B5D4FB803940DF475D3AC74534EBC0EB
  7. but the way there is a exit switch ate the bottom middle of the map with all the spawners
  8. heres the download https://wadhosting.com/Wad/4880B6C7EF09CFD3CFD73E2CA685E43A93E5BD72 its a thing where you test your skills with a bunch of icon of sin mob spawners. to get there go into console and type in "idclev 30" and it should take you there Name: Test your skills (test.wad) IWAD: Doom 2 Compatibility: Vanilla Ports Tested: Gzdoom (I'm too lazy to try different ports) Map slots: Map30 Music: Mark Klem, David Shaw, Jeremy Doyle, Tom Mustaine, Charles Li Gameplay: single-player Difficulty Settings: Yes Build Time: 1 day Requirements: no jumping/crouching
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