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Rancid Sam

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About Rancid Sam

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    Bad Person

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  1. @AdamTheSlave Hey, saw that you also encountered a bug in MAP11 regarding the Berserk not triggering correctly at the start of the map. Judging from your screenshot of MAP05, you seem to be using PrBoom+, and I was able to replicate the issue in that source port by playing with the default complevel, as well as with DSDA-Doom at "-complevel 9". Running PrBoom+ with the "-complevel 2" argument seems to fix that issue. I apologize for any inconvenience.
  2. I have never heard anyone use this for any of the Doom monsters in an unironic capacity. As far as "official" nicknames: Mancubi = Fatsos Former Humans = Zombiemen Former Sergeants = Shotgunners Heavy Weapons Dudes = Chaingunners Spider Mastermind = Spiderboss Arch-Vile = Alien, Martian, Gary* *I don't remember where I heard this one, but I swear I've heard it multiple times
  3. Diet 32-in-24 MAP16, "The Million Dollar Pyramid". It was my introduction to slaughter, and it can still feel real dicey if you don't nail the timings on the doors opening after grabbing each key. But after gitting gud(der), I think it's one of my favorite maps from the WAD.
  4. Easily my favorite YouTuber for Doom map/WAD playthroughs. The way he says "Caco?" makes me smile errytime.
  5. Before I developed ulcers (from booze, not spicy food), I could handle a lot of spice. But ever since, my capsaicin tolerance has diminished greatly. This hurts worse than any hot sauce ever did...
  6. I'm an angel being punished with human form. I hate pooping so God damn much.
  7. Green and purple? Thanks for the daily dose, Doc.
  8. DBP 50: Emerald City maps 03 ("Concrete Jungle"), 04 ("UrbEx"), and 08 ("City of Fallen Angels").
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