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Everything posted by Avix

  1. The map is now on /idgames, with both the first version with the smaller step for old demos, and a new version that makes the step slightly bigger so you don't miss the secret on your way out. [/idgames]
  2. Looks like you ran up the stairs fast when leaving and didn't tag it. I'll make the step bigger. Thanks for playing my map!
  3. I wanted to try making a map that looks like a KDITD map that can also be played in DOOM.EXE, so I've made this map. I'm in the middle of a -fast playthrough of Ultimate Doom, so I've designed this map for -fast. [/idgames Download] Screenshots: -- INFO -- Name: The Demons Found My Crack Supply! Build Time: ~ 9 hrs IWad: Ultimate Doom Midi: D_E1M4 Slot: E1M1 Difficulties: Yes Monsters/Items/Secrets (UV): 57/26/03 Dehacked: Yes, but only changes one string. Is both inside wad and in zip ParTime: 1:30 CompLevel: 3 (Should be vanilla compatible unless I've missed something) Singleplayer: Designed for -fast Co-op: Starts placed Deathmatch: No Tested with: PrBoom-Plus 2.6.2, Crispy Doom-20230305-win32, Doom v1.9 Known bugs: None The text file inside the zip has this info + more in /idgames format. DMNCRK.zip
  4. This wall at the start of MAP10 can open to reveal a shotgun.
  5. Working on redoing how MAP02 of my WIP wad looks. Uses assets from jimmytex.wad and Mechadon's box 'o skies
  6. maybe your config file is messing with it somehow try running without it
  7. i downloaded crispy just now and used this to check it but it worked just fine for me have you checked if redownloading crispy makes it work?
  8. heres a wad with the sound on its own extracted from gzdoom.pk3 gzsecret.zip
  9. In UMAPINFO you can add intertext = clear to the info for the map you want to remove the intermission text from.
  10. add Weapon.SlotNumber with the number of the slot you want the weapon in
  11. if you stand on this platform that lowers for the plasma rifle you can get stuck outside
  12. that made the sprites that had facetarget not turn to the player and did nothing to the states with the attacks
  13. tried it out now and it made floors switch through a bunch of the different flats
  14. can i use DEHEXTRA to make a custom thing that only shoots in the direction it spawns in? i want to make something like the nail traps in quake
  15. https://zdoom.org/wiki/TakeInventory script 1 ENTER TakeInventory ("BFG9000", 1); in the script editor then triggering it with a linedef that uses action 80 as a player walkover should work
  16. how much better would it be if i: shortened e1m2 and e1m3 fixed e1m5 monsters remake e1m1 with same layout but better texture work
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