Actually, in e1m1, the secret where you take an elevator was the first part to undergo a distortion and in the final level it's not there. It's what tricked me into not expecting what was coming lol
I played through your map and I gotta say it's literally one of the best maps I have ever played and it looks amazing. I did change the map number it was on to 5 since I didn't want to start a new game on my mod. Since your map was a single map I teleport back home instead of pulling the exit switch when I get there so I don't have the slot for map 6 taken when I load another single map later on. I also downloaded the song you linked but didn't use it in my recording but I did listen to it. It's in my playlist on foobar now.
Well, I ran through your map but it wasn't really compatible with my rpg mod because I made it by default where only the monsters appear in maps. Regardless, I recorded it and here it is. Though I did waste a number of land mines lol.
Gave your map set a try and I gotta say you did some solid work with portals in it. Though I am sorry to say that I used mods, I jumped, mouse looked, and crouched. However, it was my first run through it.
Well I decided to listen to some more remixed music but I guess youtube doesn't like it even though the music can be downloaded from the dj's website free of charge.