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About Sarmenti

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    Green Marine
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  1. "Action" is definitely A Way to describe eternal doom, in the same way that you can use "functional" to describe the 3DO port.
  2. People wouldn't play without saves if they didn't find it fun. I myself am firmly in the camp of "don't care at all and will savescum", but it's easy to understand why people play without saves, beating a map in one go is fulfilling!
  3. Usually just let it grow for like a month and a half because i'm lazy, but when it comes time, off it all goes!
  4. Ok, I found it! And I was very wrong about the description, the TC i was thinking of was Foreverhood.
  5. Well, in that case it would be as simple as loading doom.wad after freedoom, either via a loader like ZDL or a batch file. Tough that would raise the "issue" of most (if not all) assets being turned back into UDoom's.
  6. Even then that defeats the point of freedoom, since the levels aren't free. Either OP wants something that's basically piracy, or something so weird that I can't decipher.
  7. Well, seeing as I'm just 18, saying I feel old is a bit silly, yet when I think back to stuff like the Wii, team fortress 2, the release of gta 5… It's not so much "that was so long ago", more that it reminds me of the incessant march of time, in that it really doesn't feel like that much time had passed. Think it's interesting to see how the newer and older generations feel the passage of time.
  8. After talking to some guy on a discord server and getting recommended Nugget, I just thought "Hey, why not try using a controller?", boy oh boy was that a good decision! Firstly I tried it on Crispy, it recognized my controller fine on the setup page, and after playing a little bit, I actually started taking it seriously. Got a bit dissapointed when I learnt you can't map anything to the D-Pad if using the joystick and vice-versa, so I moved on to Nugget. it's a pretty weird experience at first, what with the analogue movemnt (more on that later!), but with a little bit of button re-assignment and tweaking, everything just clicked. Doom specifically feels very apt for a controller usage, due to the autoaim and lack of many actions, you have a lot of room to play with regarding your setup and ergonomics. It's probably why it works well on a mobile scenario too. One caveat however, is that straferunning is impossible, or at least severely gimped. This is due to analogue movement, but remapping strafe L/R to left and right on the stick does make it play more like a keyboard. And therein lies a question I want to ask: For those of you that play on a controller, would you say the smoothness of the analogue movement out-weighs straferunning? What are some peculiarities you've encountered after a while? I'm curious to see what your thoughts are!
  9. Can't really drink due to meds, but when I get the chance I just go for a simple mix of soda and some spirits. Never really liked beer, even the really fancy ones don't appeal to me.
  10. Adding to this, it was in a floating void with flying isles, most of the walkable surfaces had earthy, brown tones, you could speak to the NPC's, and i remember there being dead trees.
  11. You bend down to pick up a box and when you lift up you're a psyonic warrior delving into the mind of Klarkzon to free Gamma-5 from its evil rule.
  12. Kinda depends on the wad itself, for vanilla doom music patch93 sc-55 is amazing, gives a bit more flare to the good old Robert Princert tracks. When it works, Arachno is simply divine, every time I play Alien Vendetta I put it on, just hearing the main menu track and Sun Rider gets me in the mood to drop everything, boot up WinAmp and spend entirely too long listening to midis. But then you get a track that uses some specific guitars, and it aaaaaall goes to shit. Some seriously grating and downright ear splitting sounds! Thankfully swapping soundfonts is as easy as alt-tabbing to coolsoft, so no harm no foul :> I've still got a bunch of .sf2's lying around in my folders that I should give a spin, who knows, maybe something nice will appear.
  13. That's something that irks me whenever modern modding breaks into the main stream, though I do suppose the average reader of gaming news isn't exactly the brightest lightbulb, so it makes sense to just call it "In Doom™" Still, they could at least mention what its running on, because I'm pretty sure recreating 2016 isn't possible in vanilla, at least without some major concessions as we've seen.
  14. HDest does work with LZ, only caveat is that not with the latest version. Since the mod is always kept up to date with the latest version of GZ, there's bound to have some things break. I'm not sure what's the latest version that works on LZ, but 4.4.3 does.
  15. https://youtu.be/l7I8dYKeke8 Can't help but have this playing in my head every single time this gif shows up
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