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Everything posted by Ravendesk

  1. Orca Map 01 UV-MAX in 3:49.29 zip: orca01m34929.zip video: https://youtu.be/Tf71uKywPM0
  2. That's not true, as a 4 year old kid playing Doom for the first time in the 90s I refused to play on anything but Ultraviolence (because I thought the name sounded cool and I thought it meant Ultraviolet).
  3. what the helllll scroll floor midair coop rocket boost death slide other two demos are also epic btw
  4. This is true in the very early game, but quite soon after when you have better weapons, RL or charged ballista or ballista+ssg are better for it. Even in early game though rapid fire shotgun alt can arguably be better against cacos than the grenades. Doom Eternal only really introduced monsters that required specific weapon to kill in the first DLC. There weren't any in the main game. In the second DLC they doubled down on this and I think it's almost universally agreed that second dlc is the weakest and this wasn't a good direction. I personally also disliked those new monsters in DLCs. I feel like they tried to fix the problem that didn't need to be fixed and ended up making things worse. Original game however while not having the best balance between weapon upgrades (one choice is often strictly better, although there are weapons with both valid options like shotgun and assault rifle), still allowed absolute freedom in how you kill the enemies and most of the time you were using multiple weapons on higher tier enemies for quickswap combos. It was actually interesting to follow UNM speedruns for the main game after its launch because strategies and weapon upgrade choices were changing over time. There is an established meta in the end but it doesn't really affect first playthoughs. So that criticism about colour coded weapons is partially valid but only for DLC2 and to some extent for DLC1.
  5. Map 69 NoMo in 0:03.06 - jf369o306.zip Map 69 UV-Pacifist in 0:03.03 - jf369p303.zip Switched to pacifist after realising it's basically the same run, but since baron still can affect the demo a little and since there are already demos for both, I'm also submitting both. Surely 2 is possible.
  6. Some actual bad maps in here despite the premise xD
  7. Excellent advice here. To OP: I would also give a very simple advice - just play more modern slaughter stuff to see for yourself what works well and what you like in those maps. No need to necessarily focus on Sunder - Sunder is just one style of slaughter, grandiose somewhat grindy and slow paced style, but the genre is quite diverse. You want to try something setpiece-focused? Check out how Fractured Worlds and Firefly do it. If those seem too difficult, try Embraced. Or just switch to HMP! Maybe your UV will be similar to HMP of those wads and there is nothing wrong with that. Or on the contrary if you want something brutal with enemies in all directions - worth checking out Italo Doom. Or maybe you want to try some bfg spam slaughter - well, check out some random maps in Junkfood (linking the 2nd entry as the most friendly one). Or if you enjoy the very light type of slaughter that Valiant does - well try Overboard then and see how that plays. There are also many very different slaughter maps in Hardfest 2, so it's always an option to just skip around and try those that seem appealing to your tastes or mapping goals. Anyway my point is - the best way to get comfortable with mapping for a certain genre is to play a lot of stuff with different styles in that genre and study how those maps achieve what they achieve (fun or challenge or impressive visuals or whatever).
  8. Random pacifists. Map 01 UV-Pacifist it 0:06.66 - jf301p666.zip Map 07 UV-Pacifist in 0:37.40 - jf307p03740.zip Map 08 UV-Pacifist in 0:05.06 - jf308p506.zip Map 16 UV-Pacifist in 0:10.69 - jf316p01069.zip
  9. Map 47 UV-MAX in 5:15.77 zip: jf347m51577.zip video: https://youtu.be/g4Vb9kUjxAc
  10. Map 52 UV-Pacifist in 0:10.80 zip: jf352p01080.zip video: https://youtu.be/gmT1irdnysE
  11. Map 33 UV-MAX in 5:36.14 zip: jf333m53614.zip video: https://youtu.be/izMCTLyKPb4
  12. Map 25 UV-MAX in 3:08.51 zip: jf325m30851.zip video: https://youtu.be/9YXnPV73o6w
  13. Map 10 UV-MAX in 1:57.14 zip: jf310m15714.zip video: https://youtu.be/5-pdCj7sANk
  14. https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/levels/doom2/Ports/megawads/sepia It's a simple map, so it's effect is much stronger after the whole megawad rather than as an individual level.
  15. Not Even Remotely Fair designed with idea of getting 100% items to be an additional challenge, so the item placements are very deliberate. And also Jumpwad, yes. Jumpwad even has a speedrunning exception: getting 100% items is a requirement for a UV-MAX run in dsdarchive.
  16. You probably want to choose "Boom (strict)" compatibility instead. Idk what gzdoom default is, but for example in mbf infighting is significantly altered compared to boom and is generally harder to set up. Since infighting seems to be one of the main issues from your description, it could be that gzdoom default has mbf infighting. Idk though.
  17. Sepia starts in the trenches of World War 1 and returns back there at the very end in its credits map "Christmas Truce", but this time setting up a melancholic mood of a temporary ceasefire where minefields are replaced with a football field with a friendly game happening - but you, the player, is aware that all of this will inevitably be followed by the resumption of meaningless war and millions more deaths. A very strong ending to a crazy journey that Sepia is. But the wad also makes sure not to end on a depressing note and therefore relieves the growing anguish with a light-hearted cinema credits and a cyber ass to punch. Could be the strongest and most touching ending map in all of the wads I played.
  18. Reuploading correct run. Map 29 Stroller in 0:29.66 - sepia29str02966.zip
  19. Map 19 UV-MAX in 4:46.20 zip: sepia19m44620.zip video: https://youtu.be/0Tjq2-Iqm8I Map 19 UV-Pacifist in 0:25.57 zip: sepia19p02557.zip video: https://youtu.be/_k3naBCq11M Map 20 UV-MAX in 2:53.71 zip: sepia20m25371.zip video: https://youtu.be/rfQYrZ_h6CM And also some demo spam: Map 27 UV-MAX in 0:42.34 - sepia27m04234.zip Map 27 UV-Fast in 0:45.89 sepia27f04589.zip Map 27 NM-Speed in 0:31.89 - sepia27n03189.zip Map 27 UV-Tyson in 0:38.37 - sepia27t03837.zip Map 29 UV-Speed in 0:14.09 - sepia29spd01409.zip Map 29 Stroller in 0:17.51 - Map 30 UV-MAX in 0:10.66 - sepia30m01066.zip Map 30 UV-Pacifist in 0:06.43 - sepia30p00643.zip Map 30 Stroller in 0:14.57 - sepia30str01457.zip
  20. For the secret fight the strategy is to: Re: rev/baron fight, I really enjoyed it. I didn't do it pacifist, I was just rocketing the revs and then using the sides where there are no cybers to get space. You inevitably lose some health to this, but there are refills so it's quite fun this way and there is just enough space to pull that off. The second/third phases were a bit borked when I played (RC1) I think with wrong teleport destinations, but I assume they are fine now.
  21. Map 33 UV-Pacifist in 0:06.49 zip: sepia33p00649.zip video: https://youtu.be/x6FeVI7ATaU Map 18 UV-MAX in 2:22.71 - sepia18m22271.zip Map 01 UV-Tyson in 2:29.60 - sepia01t22960.zip
  22. good job! I would hope to see it done with voodoo dolls in vanilla format one day though instead of ZScript :p
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