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Everything posted by Ravendesk

  1. Cool maps, I really liked them. Nice atmosphere and a pretty unique design. Progression was confusing at times, but I liked that, it added to the overall map vibe to me. Also I really appreciate some half-hidden goodies that are not marked as a secret. The combat was also solid, some encounters looked intimidating at first but were actually not too bad with a good strategy, ammo starvation was also done quite good I think especially in map 01. A few questions/concerns: 1. For the starting room of map 01 I did the following: Is this progression intended or did I miss easier intended way? 2. Map 02 might use some monster blocklines. Especially sniping cybers in the main outdoors area can easily fall down. Same for the group of 3 archviles in the platforming arena fight (the one with icy looking platforms). I understand that you use flyers in this fight and this is tricky in boom but at least this one particular platform is worth monsterblocking imo. 3. Some switches randomly being shoot switches and some not having feedback was a bit confusing. Not sure if intended or not, but didn't feel like it adds much to the maps vibe. 4. The archvile/revs group in map 02 guarding the switch that starts the final fight is kinda trivial to deal with, you just climb the stairs, rocket them and they die. Can hide behind a corner if needed. Maybe something more interesting can be done with that particular encounter. 5. After the fight with revs on invisible bridge on map 02 it's hard to notice that there is a gap in the wall where you can jump because of grey rock on grey rock and it kinda blends. Maybe it's worth lighting it up a little bit so it's easier to notice from that bridge (being shot at by cyber doesn't help searching progression in this case). Other cases on non-obvious progression weren't a problem to me, but this part got me confused.
  2. That video has too many inaccuracies to put it mildly. Please watch this:
  3. @MFG38 hello mr. mfg38, I propose to grab the only map update you have and push the wad to idgames so it's finalized. I can do it myself on your behalf btw, it's easy enough.
  4. I'm sorry but no level of weapon rebalancing can fix iwad gameplay. It is fundentally inferior to combat design that people can craft today with almost 30 years of game knowledge existing. And this is why you are so misunderstood in these discussions. People don't expect that you are talking purely about iwads and naturally assume that pwads are included in your statements. Because literally nobody cares about weapon balancing in iwads, original gameplay was improved million times already in pwads by creating interesting encounters that make each weapon shine (that does not mean that all weapons are equally useful, it just means that each weapon can be used creatively to make interesting fights). It absolutely doesn't matter that SG becomes useless once you have SSG or that plasma usage becomes very limited once you have BFG. It doesn't matter because mappers made interesting gameplay that does not depend on these weapons still staying universally useful. Because each weapon being always useful is not a requirement for a good gameplay.
  5. On 21.08.23 Monday at 03:47 AM UTC 🇺🇸 @Meowgi established the new WORLD RECORD in Junkfood 2 map 15 in the Nightmare! Speed category. The run is completed in 3 seconds 660 milliseconds RTA, which is WORLDS FIRST successful run in this category. Run: https://youtu.be/kEEr52J6aXs?si=-CWLW_ZRF4ilEqkS
  6. Yes, I only use shotty because scg is bad at sniping enemies, wastes too much ammo and is generally weaker than shotterino. Also scg is overpowered which is bad. Also nice chickens.
  7. Map 44 UV-MAX in 1:08.74 zip: jf244m10874.zip video: https://youtu.be/wrXBNu1Ice4 Map 15 Stroller in 0:06.54 zip: jf215str00654.zip video: https://youtu.be/k3Nf9AUXJhU
  8. Difficulty in doom is not created directly by the weapon you have against this configuration of enemies, it is created by the space you are given and (in case of hitscan threats present, including archviles) by the cover you are given. You can create equally difficult encounters for every weapon with the same set of monsters if you just modify the arena layout. Or not equally different. A fight with 2 revenants and an archvile can be completely free with a single shotgun if you can just shoot them from behind a corner, and can be extremely hard with an SSG if you are locked in a small room with only a thin pillar in the middle. Weapons only serve as tool to determine how fast can you clear the space for yourself and how long you need to survive against given threats. Doom combat is all about movement. Not to mention that weapon switching mid-combat only comes from a necessity (ammo restriction, space restriction), you can never increase dps that way (unlike doom eternal, for example, where weapon switch is faster than weapon reload). Switching back and forth between weapons in a fight is often a bad strategy, unless situation changes to require that.
  9. Try playing at least somewhat challenging maps maybe.
  10. Map 21 UV-Max in 12:36.83 zip: jf221m123683.zip video: https://youtu.be/pjdhHTOQo2c Map 25 UV-Max in 5:15.37 zip: jf225m51537.zip video: https://youtu.be/3owTY-vPpNk Map 32 UV-Max in 0:54.11 zip: jf232m05411.zip video: https://youtu.be/PrwYcD8gncw
  11. Map 15 UV-MAX in 2:40.74 zip: jf215m24074.zip video: https://youtu.be/YppAZrUU2Xg
  12. It's a complicated question. The best summary is this: https://www.doomworld.com/forum/post/2331492
  13. I honestly think this idea worked perfectly at the start, I had to ignore cacos and search for an RL. Then when I ran out of rockets I was forced to go to the next area where plasma is. So far so good. However, that next area did not provide nearly enough rockets to deal with the stuff I left behind (and the new area in addition), so it felt like there was absolutely no reward for all that running around and in the end it would have been easier to just SG the starting cacos (which is what I wanted to avoid in first place). Which led me to believe at that time that it was intended for player to shotgun them.
  14. From the recent wads, DBP59 comes to mind. Although these are not map 29 and 30 there, but who cares about traditional megawad format in 2023. Sepia also does exactly that. In a sense... These two are particularly close to your description, but in a broader sense this can be applied to every wad that has a narrative-driven credits map. This approach to wad ending is getting more and more popular lately it seems, and I personally really enjoy endings like that.
  15. Nice attempt. I like your strategy of running past the first fight and then using arachnotron to infight in the next room. I think you died mostly because you missed the green armor which is right near the lift after the plasma fight, that should help for sure.
  16. Try hmp or hntr. Brendon paid a lot of attention to testing difficulty settings.
  17. Use UMAPINFO, it is supported by most modern source ports: https://doomwiki.org/wiki/UMAPINFO
  18. Nice tablefill :) That reminded me that I did two casual max runs before pushing the set to idgames to verify for myself that maps 02 and 04 are fair and consistent, and I double-checked them now and they sync with idgames version, so posting. Uroboros Map 02 UV-MAX in 5:28.83 zip: uroboros02m52883.zip video: https://youtu.be/LDD4O_YjTUQ Map 04 UV-MAX in 9:22.49 zip: uroboros04m92249.zip video: https://youtu.be/wjoecNhlKpA
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