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Everything posted by Ravendesk

  1. Map 04 NoMo in 0:11.74 zip: poog04o01174.zip video: https://youtu.be/c1R4taHHN38
  2. Agree with the premise of the post, although I wanted to point this part out: doing this will also perform an orbital blast on all the nomo runners lol, cause all these monsters will stay in the map even with "-nomonsters" parameter, as this parameter checks just for the countkill flag to decide whether to remove an item from the map or not.
  3. Caffeine Injection! Map 05 UV-MAX in 14:26 zip: cafinj05-1426.zip video: https://youtu.be/NYpRwbXIkE4
  4. Map 17 UV-Pacifist in 0:34.97 zip: poog17p034.zip video: https://youtu.be/e22FGnkGcB8
  5. Map 13 UV-Pacifist in 1:03 zip: poog13p103.zip video: https://youtu.be/3BHRR8BpbEM
  6. Map 02 NM-Speed in 0:22 zip: phub02n022.zip video: https://youtu.be/RqtyZRmeKuU
  7. +1 to Magnolia and FCFF. Also, Jumpwad. Also, Hell Ground. Update: oh and also 30 monsters challenge map 13 :)
  8. Map 04 UV-Pacifist in 0:15.40 zip: poog04p01540.zip video: https://youtu.be/dCIzIZAHYnM
  9. Hey, glad you enjoyed it! Watched the vod, that was fun. Really good job on Map 02, these jumps are not easy and you got them really fast. Especially the third jump of the map, that AVJ into RJ, nicely done! Now regarding the spoilers part:
  10. Awesome map! Only played UV so far, but I'll check out other difficulties, too, a bit later. Really liked both the combat and the visuals. Can't really think of any criticism at the moment.
  11. Very cool set. Map 05 is my favorite by far, just so much fun. Will surely try to max it when the set is finalized. But other maps are cool as well, Map 04 is my second favorite probably. Also great credits map! Map 02 bars sequence is a bit confusing, you can get RL before plasma if you know it's there, but if you don't get it before bars close, you won't be able to get it until the whole sequence of fights is over? Feels strange unless I'm missing something, especially since RL is very useful there. Also some very subjective thoughts: kinda wish that Map 01 had berserk and Maps 02 and 03 had more rockets (at expense of shells and cells maybe), feels a bit tedious on UV without RL ammo, but idk, maybe it's just me being wasteful. :) Anyway, liked the set a lot.
  12. Thanks for the feedback! Regarding the slime trails - I'll play around with nodebuilder a bit more, I got rid of some of them, but can't get rid of most of them, some geometry seems to be disliked by nodebuilders a lot. Regarding the platforming section you mentioned - it is significantly simplified on HMP and is almost completely trivialized on HNTR, so considering that it's at the start of the map, I feel like it's ok on UV as is, but I'll look into it a bit more as well.
  13. I think rng-based fight is totally fine if it's the first/second fight of the map. It is really hard to balance some fights between being fun and being consistent, so putting it at the start of the map is a good compromise imo.
  14. My map is ready. Map name: Icarus Mk. II Author: Ravendesk Play time: 10-15 minutes Music: "Don't Worry I Got Refractory Wings This Time" by me Difficulty settings: Yes Description: Open-air linear map based around set piece encounters Difficulty changes are mostly based on voodoo doll conveyors: simplified platforming on lower difficulties, slower pacing of some fights, giving you more time before the next wave of enemies teleports in, longer time of AVs being closed when you press switches in a particular fight, etc. Also, some areas are accessible earlier on lower difficulties, allowing you to get more space and also get access to some weapons early. Secret fight can also get found earlier on HNTR. UV has one mandatory AVJ, other difficulties don't. I have initially planned to keep all items completely the same on all difficulties, but after testing it a bit I concluded that adding just a bit more health, ammo and armor on lower difficulties significantly improves the experience, so I added these changes as well, although they are pretty minor. Download link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1dPj4rPXW3mUr1XKRHKd810LQvFsWWdd1/view?usp=sharing V2 Download link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1QBqSCvN5R8lUAL9oCmy6-zkftFEV-uBL/view?usp=sharing About the midi: I made a midi specifically for this map, it is included in the wad as D_RUNNIN. You can download it separately here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1vCY6Waqa14RDseP-gBl6zWa35lRXqQ6H/view?usp=sharing Or listen to it here on youtube: https://youtu.be/5YVvz7nKQZQ A few screenshots: Also, thanks to @Billa for helping me to playtest the early version of the map on UV. I guess Billa should be credited as a playtester in the final wad release in that case among others.
  15. Nice mapset. I'm not exactly sure that all of the fights are fair (meaning they can be done at least somewhat consistently), but I'm okay with that (could always be a skill issue) :)
  16. Shorter maps for shorter people Map 03 UV-MAX in 1:39 zip: shorty03-139.zip video: https://youtu.be/sSWz6fTt1Mk Map 03 UV-Pacifist in 0:14 zip: shorty03p014.zip video: https://youtu.be/yewsteKSWbc
  17. Four Perfectly Fine Lemons is now on idgames! No changes from RC4. Download link: https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/levels/doom2/Ports/0-9/4pfl Enjoy!
  18. Great episode! The history of Ribbiks' approach towards the difficulty settings and of a gradual shift from "UV is the intended way" towards "HMP is the intended way" was very interesting. I think you kinda missed one more option in that discussion - an NG+ option, adding that extra precise difficulty as separate maps in the end, but it has its own limitations and caveats of course.
  19. 1000 Lines 1 Map 02 UV-Pacifist in 0:24 zip: 1kl02p024.zip video: https://youtu.be/9COKodz46zA Map 30 UV-Speed in 2:19 zip: 1kl30spd219.zip video: https://youtu.be/W1KLikYDtx0 Map 31 UV-Pacifist in 0:25 zip: 1kl31p025.zip video: https://youtu.be/2m90HTkj2pY Map 32 UV-Pacifist in 1:54 zip: 1kl32p154.zip video: https://youtu.be/h3-RBFXhpYY
  20. 1000 Lines 2 Map 32 UV-Speed in 0:06.80 zip: 1k232spd00680.zip video: https://youtu.be/8Fvn_MKUiZA
  21. 1000 Lines 2 Map 19 UV-MAX in 6:48 zip: 1k219-648.zip video: https://youtu.be/KggqhhDTOaY
  22. 1000 Lines 2 Map 07 UV-MAX in 2:33 zip: 1k207-233.zip video: https://youtu.be/fYyhjYfPorM
  23. Updated 4pfl to RC4 version. Hopefully this is the last update. I will upload it on idgames in a few days if no more bugs are found. Changelog: 1. Made it possible to exit Map 05 and added a secret credits level in Map 06 slot. 2. Fixed a possible cheese in a secret area of Map 02. 3. Fixed bug with NoMo in Map 03. 4. Fixed a possible cheese on lower difficulties in Map 03 - just so that players won't be confused by thinking this is the intended progression. As usual I have updated OP with the new download link and the changelog. Download RC4 here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1v0RRG9wOZSxOyZNp0Iiq30IunIMmi69R/view?usp=sharing
  24. Surprised no one mentioned Jumpwad yet. It is a pure movement wad with no monsters (except for friendly archviles and evil eyes) where you can jump by pressing attack button. It is an MBF wad, so the jump is not a GZDoom jump but rather a fake AVJ. You need to collect gems on each map (small ones and large ones) and to exit the map you usually need a certain amount of large gems. In addition to jumps there are several more mechanics: mid-air fires that blow up when you touch them and give you additional momentum allowing you to make more prolonged jumps by landing on them, scrolling floors, flying green bombs that push you off, mandatory archvile jumps. You take no damage and cannot die, so you have unlimited amount of tries in each map, which makes it very forgiving except for But while just finishing the map is not that hard, collecting all of the gems if quite challenging. Some jumps you also need to figure out first as it is not always obvious how to get to a particular gem. Some small gems require you to do SR50 or very tricky/precise jumps and there is also an additional "Eternal Golden Flame", that randomly spawns at one of the several possible locations on each map and is especially hard to get. A few examples of especially tricky sections: In Map 04 you need to do a sequence of jumps on a scrolling floor platforms, with each next platform scrolling in the opposite direction of the previous one, so you need to be really quick with your jumps. Map 05 has a platforming section on a thin spiky ledges, that you need to start over from the beginning if you fail one of the jumps. You can see this section in a video of my UV-MAX run (starts from 2:47, I've made a link with a timecode): In Map 06 you need to do a sequence of AVJs across the room to collect some of the gems. There are more cool sections in the wad, but I have to stop somewhere. And of course, additional challenge would be in not just completing the maps, but doing it fast, because many of the sections are designed in such a way that to do it in one go, you need to be very precise with your movement, angles and jumping timings. Rating: exceptionally good, if you didn't play it yet, you should go play it. It is not just the mechanics, but also map design, visuals and music that are incredible. Difficulty: from moderate to hard depending on the map and how fast you want to be.
  25. Map 28 UV-MAX in 1:03 zip: 3264k28-103.zip video: https://youtu.be/7_ZOLb3TCCw
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