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Everything posted by Ravendesk

  1. You need to shoot this switch in the distance and it opens a passage to the left from where you're standing.
  2. It allows you to open the exit door, the same as the regular blue key. But you can skip a final fight if you have a blue skull key.
  3. Pagodia Map 07 UV-Pacifist in 0:51 zip: pag07p051.zip video: https://youtu.be/W2wzMMH99Bg
  4. Pagodia Map 05 UV-Speed in 0:28. zip: pag05spd028.zip video: https://youtu.be/RwXEk4Cvlik Idk why I keep doing this, this map is addictive.
  5. Map 04 commentated UV-MAX (decided to make it a speedrun for this particular map).
  6. It's tablefill time I guess. All of the Pagodia UV-MAXed. Maps 1, 4, 7 and 8 are semi-optimized but can obviously be faster. The rest of the maps are just casual UV-MAXes. Map 01 UV-MAX in 2:43 - pag01-243.zip Map 02 UV-MAX in 11:45 - pag02-1145.zip Map 03 UV-MAX in 12:26 - pag03-1226.zip Map 04 UV-MAX in 3:30 - pag04-330.zip Map 05 UV-MAX in 7:06 - pag05-706.zip Map 06 UV-MAX in 13:46 - pag06-1345.zip Map 07 UV-MAX in 2:59 - pag07-259.zip Map 08 UV-MAX in 2:20 - pag08-220.zip Map 09 UV-MAX in 23:33 - pag09-2333.zip
  7. UV-MAX playthrough of Map 02. I have actually maxed most of the maps already but making commentary takes time.
  8. Pagodia Map 05 UV-Speed in 0:29 zip: pag05spd029.zip video: https://youtu.be/eOgg0p_YzfU
  9. Pagodia Map 05 UV-Speed in 0:36.00 zip: pag05spd036.zip video: https://youtu.be/i3pRRaDh31E From pagodia.txt: "There are many ways you can take on the map, and there are some shortcuts if you know where to look. Also, if you're a speedrunner reading this, try to get a UV-Speed time below 50 seconds." So I did :)
  10. Cool wad, I finished my UV blind playthrough yesterday, liking it a lot. Especially turbo cacos. I want to UV-MAX all of the maps in the wad and I've already started doing so. Should I post my commentated UV-MAX playthroughs in this thread? Here is Map 1 (feedback regarding the audio quality, format, whatever else is much appreciated):
  11. A week ago I couldn't even do the first jump. It's so cool that Meowgi made this wad, really learning a lot from it. 1 second slower than the record by aconfusedhuman, but I still wanted to share. zip: phub08-1291.zip video:
  12. Did anyone analyze how the fight for the red key works in the Map 04? (Not sure if Nirvana himself wants to explain or if he wants to keep it a problem to solve). I just don't understand the pattern of the shutters in this fight. It seems completely random. They are open for a random amount of time or is that just me? What's even more confusing is that after pressing the first switch, the shutters sometimes stay open forever and sometimes stay closed forever, and I also fail to see the pattern here. What does that depend on? I tried to understand it in doombuilder, but I can't figure it out.
  13. I believe I've found a way to reliably cheese BFG fight in Map 04: Also after I have uploaded this, I've noticed, that the way Jacek Bourne won this fight in his blind run is the same as I did it blind - by doing an awkward unreliable AVJ. But what I show in the video (AVJ + Rocket jump) can be done consistently. Still, I'm wondering now, what was the supposed strategy for this fight. Also sorry that it's so dark, I didn't know youtube butchers original video colors and brightness so much.
  14. MAP 01 NoMo in 0:57.97. Zip: fw01o057.zip Video: https://youtu.be/YtSCCKoOiak Obvious route I guess. Was just practicing my movement for UV-Speed and decided why not to record it anyway. It's a bit of a shame that this map has easy version of platforming with no monsters and not the same as on UV.
  15. Maybe kind of a stupid question, but I couldn't find an answer myself. When playing back a demo does DSDA-Doom allow you to keep the map music playing when you hit Pause? Changing game speed does not affect music speed as expected. I'm also pretty sure I've seen pause button used in youtube commentaries for some demos and the music didn't stop. Am I missing something or this is just not possible? UPD: Nvm, I was wrong, it was not possible.
  16. My best UV-MAX attempt at Fractured Worlds map 01, 9:25. Zip: fw01-925.zip Never recorded a demo before, but this wad is so good it made me want to try it. Since it's the first demo I have ever recorded, if there are any problems with it, please let me know.
  17. Awesome wad, had a lot of fun with it. Map06 ending blew my mind. Thanks for such an amazing release.
  18. I personally just use foobar2000. You'll need FluidSynth plugin, it allows you to select any .sf2 soundfont you want to use for playback, it's pretty convenient. Select it in the Preferences window and you're good to go. To create actual mp3 files just select the tracks and right-click convert (you'll need LAME encoder I think), it'll use whichever soundfont you have currently selected.
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