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Everything posted by Ravendesk

  1. Played on UV, awesome map, the fact that you give the player rocket launcher as the first weapon made me instantly like it, really appreciate when the map does that :) Fights are fun and interesting, visuals are good. There are few minor things that I would like to note: 1. I think ammo balance is a bit strange, shells are pretty much infinite, just loads of shell boxes everywhere, but rockets not so much. Since this kind of gameplay really benefits from RL action, I kinda wished I got more rockets in my playthrough. 2. Final wave of enemies (when the cyber appears) is a bit underwhelming. You get so much stuff and barely any enemies to kill :) I was expecting at least a huge horde of revenants in addition to avs and cyber. 3. With the amount of hitscan in the map I think it would benefit from an additional green armor somewhere, but idk. Regarding the nukage - I was also confused at first, but once you first notice that it is not damaging, you assume the same for the rest of the map and it's whatever. So I don't think there is really any problem here, if it benefits the visuals (and I think it does), then may as well be green. Anyway, great map, really enjoyed!
  2. DBP31: Santa's Outback Bender Map 03 UV-Speed in 0:54 zip: dbp3103spd054.zip video: https://youtu.be/EoKAbmM6GsU
  3. Very interesting selection. Unfortunately I won't have time this month to participate, but like with DtD I will certainly be following the thread. Just a small suggestion - maybe it will be a good idea to give 1 more day to FW bonus maps and take this day away from Overboard NG+. Because FW bonus maps are serious beasts and doing both in one day might be exhausting. Overboard maps, on the other hand, are very short, and in case of NG+ you even have some pre-knowledge about them.
  4. Map 50 UV-Pacifist in 0:56 zip: 30mc50p056.zip video: https://youtu.be/NE4hzQ5GiHY
  5. Map 58 UV-MAX in 3:41 zip: 30mc58m341.zip video: https://youtu.be/rIhL7i6htHY Map 59 UV-MAX in 6:18 zip: 30mc59m618.zip video: https://youtu.be/Uj90EiMtdOA
  6. Map 45 UV-Pacifist in 0:27 zip: 30mc45p027.zip video: https://youtu.be/ILOFRM5vK8U
  7. My map (slot 31) is done. Map name: Kekboomium. I figured since the wad is called Doomium but it is in Boom format and not in vanilla Doom format, I should capitalize on that, so I went heavy on boom-specific features and tricks. Download here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1u3kQtZqwfKSwDBTEGxmjMAObgHDThlJM/view?usp=sharing Playtime: around 10-12 minutes to max. Midi: "3rd eye" from Touhou 11: Subterranean Animism (transcribed by icebhm23230) Difficulty settings are implemented and tested, don't hesitate to play on HMP or HNTR. UV is challenging, but not extremely tight, I tried to be generous with health and ammo in the harder fights. Tested in dsda-doom 0.24.3 and in gzdoom. Gzdoom does not correctly emulate a few boom things that I use to play little tricks on the player, but those are minor, so if you absolutely prefer playing in gz, it's ok. However I recommend dsda-doom/woof/prboom+ for fully intended experience. I'm planning to do a visual update before the 10th on December to cleanup texture alignments and maybe add some detailing, will address playtesters comments along with it (if there are any). Have fun. Oh, and also, I allowed myself a very slight creative freedom in terms of the secret exit look to differentiate it visually from normal exit, if that's not ok, I can change that. Screenshot:
  8. Map 35 UV-Pacifist in 0:38 zip: 30mc35p038.zip video: https://youtu.be/JKELdhjSqWU
  9. You can just ping people who didn't contribute yet to gently remind them of the project and also check the status. I, for one, am actively working on my map now and should finish it sometime next week.
  10. Map 49 UV-Pacifist in 0:46 zip: 30mc49p046.zip video: https://youtu.be/PE4gqPH7vr8
  11. True in case of settings, but let me show you a zscript from Thirty Monsters Challenge wad just to demonstrate my point: That's what was needed to do just to make a certain mbf21 map to work properly in GZ :)
  12. Well, I mean, every boom/mbf wad that I made and even some unfinished ones required me to write (or to copypaste, lol, because someone already had these issues) a custom decorate or custom zscript just to make maps playable in gz as well. Gz just doesn't work properly once you start doing more gimmicky or niche stuff. Refer here for an incomplete list of what's not working as intended: The more your map relies on the exact behavior, the more likely it is to require a gz specific workaround.
  13. Thirty Monsters Challenge is a 64-map gigawad CP with a restriction (as the name implies) of having no more than 30 monsters per map. Suggested demo prefix: 30mc. Idgames link These are extremely fun to run, so here are a few runs to start the thread, but I'm certainly planning to do more: Map 37 UV-Pacifist in 0:35 zip: 30mc37p035.zip video: https://youtu.be/7ie8e3-ZHwM Map 43 UV-Pacifist in 0:54 zip: 30mc43p054.zip video: https://youtu.be/Da0Gt74OZGc Map 48 UV-MAX in 2:11 zip: 30mc48m211.zip video: https://youtu.be/wceRB8luXZE
  14. It's much harder to make a Boom map that works properly in GZ than make a map that breaks it.
  15. Finally got around to playing this. Got to map 06, very cool stuff so far. Maps 01-03 are just super fast-paced and super-fun, map 04 is a journey, and I really enjoy that kind of exploration maps (amazing automap btw), making my way through the trees looking for secret (and non-secret) passages was exciting. Map 05 is just awesome all around and my favorite so far, great green visuals! Difficulty-wise first 5 maps feel like they are skillsaw-style meaning that encounters look harder than they actually are so you end up feeling good about beating them without sweating too much :P But I guess I should prepare for something much more brutal in the second half of the wad. Will write continuation once I finish it.
  16. I'm currently halfway through, and this set is amazing. This is super fun. What impresses me the most is how high overall quality and attention to detail are considering this was made in just a month. Big congrats on the release!
  17. :) Map 99 UV-Pacifist in 0:38 zip: mbos99p038.zip video: https://youtu.be/Q9naOcoul5Y
  18. Map 01 UV-Pacifist in 0:05.83 zip: mbos01p00583.zip video: https://youtu.be/1lKjm4F1V3M
  19. Wormwood EU, Wormwood 3, Magnolia, Jumpwad.
  20. Nooo, you were this close to map 17! And then to the third episode which is
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