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Status Updates posted by DΞLTΛ

  1. my to-do list:


    1. stay off the internet at any cost (it doesn't help and never will)


    2. seek help where possible (i'm gonna have to find a way to get help in secret)


    3. find methods on how to mentally stablize myself and become a better person (i.e stuff like behavioural therapy, meditation, and sensory deprevation)


    4. archive everything into an autobiography alongside my games and all that (i will make sure to remember every detail so i can finally put some closure to this)


    5. delete all social media and leave the internet (not much to do past that)


    6. pay a visit to the reaper (don't worry about me it's gonna happen eventually)

  2. gonna leave the internet for a long while to get my shit together, i'll come back when i can actually handle this shit

  3. i used to get so anxious when logging on here expecting all sorts of stuff, but since then i've largely moved to discord, and every time i log in it feels so quiet, but this shit is pretty special to me as i have some really fond memories of both here and on the zdoom forums, i was just thinking about all this and that even though i'm pretty much a self-proclaimed "lolcow" on here, that i'm still deciding to pop by to say hi on occasion, it's weird how that works, probably means this website has some sentimental value for me idk. If any of y'all actually feel like having more chats with me for whatever reason you can find me on the official zdoom discord server with the same name i have here, i promise a fast response when possible, stay safe and have an amazing rest of your day/night

  4. friendly reminder to not be a degenerate online, take it from my personal experience it's very fucking bad and you will regret it

  5. the fact that skye basically ruined their social media life over something and making everyone around them, especially those involved in the drama hate them is in retrospect absolutely beautiful, almost poetic as a matter of fact, ladies and gentlemen, don't be like skye, avoid them at all costs, i was already able to clear my name making all of skye's efforts to ruin my life completely useless lmao

  6. i feel like the only way to cope with the trauma skye caused is to just make fun of it, the fact that they basically ruined their whole social media life over something and making a good chunk of people, especially those involved in the drama hate them is in retrospect absolutely beautiful lmao

  7. i feel like skye is hiding something, they can't just delete all their accounts saying they can't take it anymore because someone they're accusing over jokes found out they're a blatant hypocrite, it doesn't add up, there's something more to this and i will find out what.


    They want this to be covered up, they expect their hands to be clean from this, they're not clean, i've already cleared my name with the help of all the people involved in the drama, but i WILL expose the truth in due time in order to put this and myself to rest.


    The truth will be revealed in due time skye, you can't hide from your own sins forever, what you've done from my perspective and everyone else's perspectives was truly abhorrent and we all will never forgive you.


    I and many others know what you're doing, me and everyone involved as well as many others who weren't involved have the exact same opinions of you, asshole, stupid, hypocrite, dumbass, amongst many others.


    You are the architect of nobody's demise except your own, you... are EXACTLY the illuminaughti of the doom community verbatim... hope this is what you wanted :)

  8. it's over, i feel strangely at peace now

  9. i think it's time i said goodbye, i feel that i tried my best here making mods and wads and nobody seems to have any interest anymore, you can find me on discord if you look hard enough, there i'll be having the time of my life talking to people who actually do have interest in what i do.


    so yeah, see you guys later i suppose, take care

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. AD_79


      Your last project thread is very insubstantial and feels as if it was announced far too early. I would wait at the very least until you have good-looking maps to show off, ideally several of them. That's one of the best ways to gather more interest. It does take a lot more patience, but trust me when I say that is an endlessly valuable trait to possess.

    3. DΞLTΛ


      damn it, can't let this fucking place go, guess i'll just be in the background working on stuff i guess

    4. Redneckerz


      @DELTA256take some time to take these criticisms to heart.

  10. I just got myself a boyfriend.




    I'm gay now.

  11. Recently just got discord, fucking loving it so far!

    1. DΞLTΛ


      Just got timed out of a server because everyone was saying "pong" for a week, bruh

    2. Mystic 256

      Mystic 256

      oo you have a discord account?

  12. I just noticed that dead signal's beating TAOD by 1 like, that's a lil' twistie-loodly that I didn't expect...

  13. I feel like I've posted this as a status update but if not, here it is :P




  14. Google chrome on my old phone and tablet are now so old, I have to do a captcha "I am not a robot" test every time I have to search something up, the ONLY device that isn't affected by this shit is my computer which constantly updates chrome automatically lmfao

    1. DΞLTΛ


      UPDATE: google on my phone and tablet are now working for SOME reason, possibly a server issue on their end, but I shall remain vigilant :P

  15. feeling a bit better today, still sick AF... Me, my mum, and my brother all got sick. I'm very certain we got covid but I'm not exactly sure about that... Haven't been posting lately here too now that I think about it :/

  16. I've left the zdoom community until things get better, look forward to moving development of TAOD and other wonderful things to my new home, doomworld!

  17. I was thinking about how much of a dumbass I am because I copped a warning for linking to a list of doom wads on archive.org without realizing that they may be potentially pirated, I'm currently etching away at models for TAOD and another project which I already have a title for, but you're more than welcome to refer to it as "P3-GM3", and my cat has not left my side for the entire time!


    Basically, whilst I was off doing my little thing, this little turdy-boo has taken up at least 67% of the chair. he's been chilling with me the entire time.



    His little fucking face in this photo made me laugh a bit



    His name is toothy by the way.


    But yeah, just wanted to show off my cat. That's about it, see ya.


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. DΞLTΛ


      Oh god, I had no idea.


      I'm very sorry that this is triggering you, I have no idea how much you might be going through. Just seeing your reply actually did hit me a fair bit as a cat my family used to own went through a similar thing at an earlier point in my life, and I hope things get better for you. Is it alright if I can see a photo of your cat?

    3. RastaManGames


      Here is this grumpy pal:


    4. DΞLTΛ


      Oh my god... He's adorable!

  18. This is the second time that doomworld sent me a notification whilst I'm offline. I had my headphones in and I heard my computer make that signature notification sound from my computer... With the internet disconnected. Any of the tech-heads here know what's happening? Does anyone else have this same problem or is it just me?


    I'll let you all know if it happens again...





    If this shit happens again, I'm finding a way to block the notification sound...



    SECOND EDIT: Turned off the sound thingy, hopefully that should work... I have a feeling that I'm not actually offline anymore.

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