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About Death_Ripper666

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  1. Well, this is my second single map I've made so first. So my first map (Curse Of Reverence) was pretty much a success and was proud of my first map set I've created. Introducing my second map, which is in deeper in hell, but frozen with snow, Cocytus! I did a different approach to this map where I've added some platform elements (inspired by Crash Bandicoot and some old school platformer games from the 90s and early 00s) so jumping/crunching is required in this map because there some secrets that jumping is needed. Then added some ambience effects too in map to make feels like you're in a dangerous environment. So i don't want to spoil the whole thing without you'll playing it for yourself. So here's screenshots for your viewing pleasure! note: I used some mods like universal weather and ambience, then fog on this map to make it more atmospheric and creepy. Download here: https://www.mediafire.com/file/vfnampx4kc7cmwr/Cocytus.rar/file
  2. Welp the progress of my new map is about 80% done. The environments is done. All that left is balance of ammos and monsters, and maybe few secrets here and there. But, here's the screen shot of the map so far.
  3. This is more like it! This is what i missed about Ultimate Doom on Doom 2.
  4. Another update now on 1.3. Basically, fixed all the lighting and minor things on the map. CurseOfReverence1.3.rar
  5. When I was playing Dante's Inferno (back in high school in 2010), on the last circle of hell before the final boss, I was so surprised about the environment and makes me questioning like "How the hell can it freeze over yet what stories we were told that hell was all fire and hot?". That when all the idea now was pop in my head recently and that why this WIP happened. Not to mention that there gonna be some platforming similar to let say Crash Bandicoot to give it some twist in the combat.
  6. Well i do stream in different host sites like Twitch, YouTube and Trovo. I do play Doom though, but i play alot of different games though just to be versatile. https://www.twitch.tv/deathmetalassassin
  7. Honesty, Elden Ring takes everything what was best about the past soulsborne games and put it all together into one, but with an open-world element to it, which i am not really an fan of open-world games due to being burned out, but somehow nailed it in the department. It's a hell of a experiences as you progress through the game. Is the best game ever made? No! But is it worth playing? Yes. You'll die 100000 times in the game, but at the end, you'll be able to overcome those error and being rewarded for beaten the bosses. I've played many past FromSoftware games and beaten it (some even 4 times on Dark Souls 1), Elden Ring to me feels more like less bullshit, but still bullshit in the game. The reason why Elden Ring was so hyped up because there really no other new games coming out this year that has high expectation (if you count God Of War Ragnarok which is Sony exclusive) and people were so tired of mediocre, disappointing games.
  8. Elden Ring (already beat it on my first playthrough now on NG+), Doom Eternal (second playthrough), Quake 1.
  9. Mine has to be Ultimate Doom E3M3 as I get some Slayer (or even Sodom) vibe from it.
  10. Imagine being in hell, but what if there part of hell that freezes over, colder than the north and even Antarctica? This is a single level wad of course, but it already in work but about around maybe 50%-70%ish till it's done for release? Anyway, have fun with the video and screenshots below! https://streamable.com/kknh83
  11. Thanks for playing my map! Hope you enjoyed it so far. :) A pro tip, finding secrets in this map is VERY important because it contain powerful weapons that you get early on to make the level easily.
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