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About TonkoBanjo

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    1v1 me on quake
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  1. in the initial post i mentioned that the current indev name is "liltown"
  2. the custom made assets WILL be released along with the project, so people have free textures to use
  3. this will be a gag my friend suggested, still a placeholder tho UPDATE: this is no longer that gag and the zombieman has a desk job
  4. some immersion breakers, really just nods to stuff i like.
  5. the cave will be futuristic, sorta like the twist in "The Village" , only to a lesser extent
  6. the town is the starting area, there will be a cave and a hell thing afterwards. just to make the player comfy before hitting em in the face with horror
  7. this mod will be 90's styled and i have no idea what it should be called, right now im thinking "liltown.wad" UPDATE 30-3-24 19:05 : HUD stuff also, from now on updates will be done here. UPDATE 30-3-24 22:37 : Caves i started on the caves section, you grab the pistol of a corpse, kinda cool UPDATE 31-3-24 9:56 : Name this is the dev thread now, and ive decided on the name "liltown", inspired by myhouse.wad UPADTE 31-3-24 22:59 : finally, something to shoot at! these enemies are this mod's zombiemen, built out of wolf3d sprites and player death screams UPDATE 4-4-24 18:46 : im back... i MAY have forgotten to work on this, but ill finish it by the end of the week
  8. yeah sure have the map (run it with the awoglet player wad) awoglet modsr.zip
  9. so im making an awoglet how 6 mod for doom and i tried to make the palette different so the graphics would look authentic but the flats for floors and ceilings are all messed up now?
  10. romero released unused sprites of body parts flying around,in terms of decorate code you will need to make it summon a lot of projectiles which are the objects,and animation would be a 4 frame loop of the sprite itself being rotated
  11. im making a funny sonic mod where you can throw sonics and on impact they do the family guy death pose,this is an image of the sprites getting rendered.
  12. wtf is a circumsision.wad this is chrisroom.wad aka the Chris Pratt Room. this is the release thread and the last tread was a hype post i guess.
  13. @TheMagicMushroomMan it was actually 2 minutes before i released it,i just wanted to announce it
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