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About MrGigglefingers

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  1. Kinda trite answer (to a kinda trite topic) but Betray from the Doom Xbox port. It's a Wolf3D level where every texture is nukage. SLIGE could shit out better maps than this. Just abysmally, unsalvagably bad in every way.
  2. 4/10 Design is uninspired, I don't like how tanky they are, attack is overwhelming in a way that feels more cheap than challenging. They get points for fitting the Doom aesthetic and offering something somewhat unique (a threatening flying monster) but I dislike them and I don't really get why it is one of the most popular custom monsters.
  3. The problem with this thread is that one man's definition of a slaughtermap can be completely different from everyone else's, and they would be completely valid cuz there's no real consensus. Imo I think it's really hard to do a compelling map set nowadays, especially a long one like a megawad, without occasionally veering into slaughter territory for the sake of variety.
  4. Has anyone made a WAD where there's no demon shenanigans and Daisy is alive? It would be terribly boring from a gameplay perspective but that's probably the only situation he actually wants to be in at this point.
  5. 90s: wow.wad 2000s: UAC Military Nightmare 2010s: Brutal Doom: Black Edition 2020s: The Ancient Gods Part 2
  6. When primed to attack, the weird nodules on the Cacodemon and Pain Elementals' backs will glow. This is presumably so you know they are attacking without needing to see their face. The Pain Elemental has a nice, gradual animation where its flesh bubble gets brighter. But when the Caco attacks, its flesh bubbles turn blue instantly like a light switch. This looks pretty bad once you notice it.
  7. Probably the most famous Doom mod in general since Brutal Doom, possibly even surpassing it.
  8. I always run smoothdoom when I'm playing GZDoom. As for custom weapon packs, Russian Overkill is king. I also enjoyed Demonsteele and the Extreme Weapons Pack (for laughs).
  9. Ancient Aliens for sure, one of the finest shooter OSTs ever produced in my opinion. Shoutouts to a little wad called Erkatanne though. It's OST consists of midified bubblegum/dream pop but I regularly go back to it for the music. Introduced me to Sobrenadar.
  10. I think most of the famous community mapmakers have dabbled in the modding scenes of other games. Doomwiki just doesn't compile that kind of info lol.
  11. Imagine a high quality megawad that is totally normal for 29 maps and only goes terry at the very last one lmao.
  12. Ancient Aliens for sure. Also AUGER;ZENITH. Some of those maps aren't objectively perfect but I liked them all.
  13. I use it a lot personally. I like to conserve ammo as much as I can, and I find that the regular shotgun is more consistent when fighting enemies at mid-long range.
  14. Yeah it's pretty chill on here but that wasn't always the case. A lot of people here now weren't around for the Terry wad era.
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