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    *creepy noises behind you*

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  1. 2 of my friends will be part of this project: HOrTeN77GO1 and SYUZaNdroNZ. I would like to point out that my friends are not present on this site (they do not have the account, the names if they invented them).
  2. 2 of my friends will be part of this project: Saigonno556 and VNGHam00019. I would like to point out that my friends are not present on this site (they do not have the account, the names if they invented them).
  3. Hello! You forget to write what type of sourceport and the program you tested. I download the wad and ... no weapons in this map except super shotgun? Seriously? :|
  4. If no one’s interested, then I’ll have to do it myself. >:|
  5. I send a file with appropriate music for your wad. Here: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/5aa1uuwqwj6dshaf0ls8p/Music-for-your-wad.rar?rlkey=rtcejej1y2mm1d7fgi8vxizh5&st=ni82utkg&dl=0
  6. Me from San Marino, a micro-nation inside Italy (like Vatican).
  7. Here a video playthrough in this link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/rhzt8fyfvqt34vm3g3m4s/video-for-my-soul.mkv?rlkey=1z1cjbtejxdtr4yoqo3az6y41&st=vyrfqjyd&dl=0
  8. Is anyone interested in participating in this project?
  9. Very good WAD! I don't like many object blocking the way in this sector.
  10. GZD01 - PROTO32TYPE - "Don't scare my cat" Sourceport: GZDoom - UDMF format Screenshot:
  11. MAP01 - PROTO32TYPE - "Welcome to Spooky Simulator!" Sourceport: GZDoom - UDMF format Screenshot:
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