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About raddicted

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  1. a short map made to test out the whiterock flat ribbiks has been using rather recently. uv only iwad: doom2 midi: pd_aliens by ribbiks new graphics: ✓ https://drive.google.com/file/d/1FjjCJZwvHfE-g7mNRakJJcrLttsPWO8k/view?usp=sharing
  2. little speedmap i made awhile back designed for deathmatch but theres stuff for singleplayer ;D inspired by a few cs1.6 maps [:-------------------------------------------------------------------:] ▼ music credits ▼ map01 ⬩ "fluctuation" by tack, remixed by stefan hetzel ▲ music credits ▲ [:-------------------------------------:] ▼ grafx credits ▼ skyscrapers ⬩ jumpwad, 2022 miscellaneous ⬩ anime movie theater, 1997 telephone box ⬩ doomcity, 1995 ▲ grafx credits ▲ [:-------------------------------------------------------------------:] i hope you like windows ► download ◄
  3. ribbiks is my favorite, you look at his midi catalogue and its nothing but memorable piece after memorable piece. second would prob have to go to yakfak ;D
  4. 1865-1895 A.D./10 really makes you FEEL like a cowboy has a little something for everyone
  5. I'm shoulder to shoulder with an imp. I hope you like claustrophobia. IWAD: Doom2 Runs on: PRBoom, DSDA, etc... Levels supported: UV, HMP, HNTR Multiplayer: No Music: Map01 - children_of_war.mid, author unknown Map02 - Eruyt Village, from Final Fantasy XII Map03 - Lith Harbor, from MapleStory Map04 - D_RUNNIN.mid, from Elysion.wad Map05 - rompi.mid, by Ribbiks Map06 - Guardian Angel Loses Their Will, by msx2plus Title - Thrash Machine, from Deltarune Chapter 1 Intermission - Thrash Rating, from Deltarune Chapter 1 New graphics: Hud and Title+Inter screens Play time: ~15 Minutes per map Map format: Boom Maps: Map01-Map06 Bugs: None currently known --> get the wad <--
  6. anyone who has the opinion of "doom maps should be exclusively bloody and have heavy metal music" should not be allowed to touch anything relating to doom ;D
  7. considering how many people think that the mucus flows midi is overused, its funny to think that i basically NEVER see equinox midis anywhere but from their source wad ;D
  8. obviously it depends on the style of the map, but having the player have to pistol down a monster to get a weapon is pretty fun ;D
  9. 10x10 The Settlements Dance On The Water Jumpwad Wormwood 5 Lost Civilization Saturnine Chapel The Given some other stuff too ig
  10. brendondle and mtpain27 are basically the only doomtubers i even watch (cuz they're good)
  11. Happy Thanksgiving. I hope you like turkey. IWAD: Doom2 Runs on: MBF21-Supporting ports. Levels supported: UV Multiplayer: Yes Music: Map01 - vcxz, by Ribbiks Map02 - 11h044, from 11th Hour Title - All we are is Stardust, by cptazad Intermission - The Coming Storm, by cptazad New graphics: Yes Play time: ~40 Minutes Map format: MBF21 Maps: Map01, including an anti-Underhalls map. Bugs: None currently known https://drive.google.com/file/d/1NhTUVBNXsIQn05nkx2UeZhfD3dIYCBbL/view?usp=sharing
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