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About enigma101

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  1. - DVDs (mainly horror, sci-fi and action films, although if I find a film interesting I'll pick it up) - CDs (mostly industrial, metal and movie soundtracks) - Videogames (mainly PS2 and PS3 games, although I've cut down on that due to the fact I have little space to keep them anymore) - Some comics and graphic novels (mainly indie comics, nothing marvel or DC) - Football cards/stickers (only during major tournaments)
  2. It's not a bad set of maps, but it's also not a great set of maps. Saying yourself that your map is "very mediocre" doesn't really give me any hope that it was going to be great. I mean, if the creator of a map says it's mediocre, then why would anyone who plays it think anything else. Also saying that you're too lazy and having normal maps until MAP16 is really disappointing, why not just put the maps you have created into a whole wad, rather than take MAPS04-15 and put them in-between. Also, even for your first map, putting something unfinished in there isn't good. Some minor things I can look past since this is your first map, like most/all the doors being unpegged in the earlier maps. Although this map isn't the best, it is also your first map, and no-ones first map is going to be the best one they make. Some of the technical aspects are really promising, I liked how some platforms lowered/raised when you've finished killing all the monsters in a room, and also using a custom MAPINFO to make a text screen. Definitely keep making maps, but perhaps when you release them don't put yourself down and say how mediocre your maps are.
  3. My least favourite enemy are lost souls. They are a pain and a waste of shotgun ammo. My favourite enemy is probably the shotgunner, since they're easy to kill and are probably the most helpful enemy in the game, since they drop shotguns.
  4. Not really. I can't make a good judgement on whether a studio will ruin a game until that game comes out.
  5. The state of AAA games now is quite similar to the state of AAA movies. Mass layoffs, products coming out unfinished or being completely cancelled only for the benefit of the studios and sequels and remakes being the only films/games that get made. But, I've seen loads of films in 2024 that have kept me excited and there's way more films to come this year that I'm excited for. The same is true with the games I've played this year. Granted, I don't play many AAA games now, but that's largely due to their price rather than me not being excited for any of them. The recent game announcements from Summer Games Fest have been pretty bland and unimpressive, but some of them seem really cool. Kingdom Come Deliverance 2, Slitterhead, Dune - Awakening, Life is Strange: Double Exposure, Doom: The Dark Ages, all of that I'm looking forward to. Also Blumhouse Games stuff that's been announced I'm pretty excited for, although I'm not sure how far Blumhouse can be considered a AAA studio. GTA 6 is also coming out in the relatively near future, which I'm incredibly excited for. Sure, I probably won't pick up all these games when they release (Other than Doom: The Dark Ages and GTA 6), but most of them I'll get if they go on sale, or are absolutely amazing. It's completely understandable to get disillusioned by AAA games and not be excited for them anymore, but personally I think there's a good amount to be excited for at the moment, even while AAA studios are complete shitshows.
  6. I like maps that are quite big and let you explore a lot. Part of the fun for me of a Doom map is exploring the map and finding secrets/interesting details. I also enjoy maps based in some reality, like those that take place in a city or some other real life place. Makes killing demons way more fun.
  7. The Virgin Suicides. A couple years ago I watched Mustang, which is a Turkish film that got compared to The Virgin Suicides when it came out. I liked that film, so I thought I'd like this one. It was really good, but felt a bit like a dream. Not as depressing as I thought it'd be, and definitely less depressing than Mustang, but that's probably just because it feels so hazy and distant.
  8. Windows 10 AMD Ryzen 7 5800H Nvidia 6GB GeForce RTX 3060
  9. Thanks a lot for your feedback. The chaingun is reachable as there's a secret in the first main room behind a door with a different texture that lowers the platform the chaingunner is on. The super-shotgun is also behind a secret wall in the opening smaller room. Although, I do understand what you mean by some of the encounters being harder if you can't find the secrets. I did purposely try to make them quite easy to find (using different/misaligned textures, having them be behind invisible walls with different textures) as I knew that some of the encounters would be quite hard without some weapons such as the BFG. Thanks for letting me know about these. I'd completely forgotten the issue with the platform in the crypt, it must be some issue with how I made the platform lower and raise.
  10. I found Doom through a dodgy free games website that I found to play Blood on. I played Doom and Doom II then tried to download them from another dodgy website and ended up getting a virus. I eventually just got a steam account and got them both, as well as the Master Levels. Pretty much started making maps as soon as I bought them.
  11. The House of Hell (Doom II Map) Screenshots: Tested in GZDoom (vg4.11.3) This is a single map (MAP01) based on games such as Blood and general occult things. It's very linear and quite short (7-10 minutes). Map difficulties are implemented, although the best way to play this map is on ultra violence. This is also a single-player map with no support for multiplayer co-op or deathmatch. This map includes: - New Textures - New Sprites (Props) - New Music (All credits are in the text file) This is also the first map I've publicly released and the first map of mine on Idgames. Idgames Link
  12. https://www.doomwadstation.net/main/duke/ it's only the first map/level, but it looks basically identical to the first level of Duke Nukem, even though the enemies are from Doom.
  13. I remember being creeped out by the first bit of "Countdown to Death" in MAP03.
  14. Mad Max Fury Road. I've been meaning to watch it for ages, and since I want to watch Furiosa when it comes out, I thought that I should probably watch Fury Road so that I know what's going on.
  15. The BFG is more satisfying to use, but the chaingun is fine for taking out a load of demons.
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