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About aboyes1989

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  1. How strong of a fight are they putting up? Ultra Violence, or understanding that we're all Too Young to Die?
  2. Maybe we don't see the single pane glass building during gameplay because there was only one and it was levelled before we get to it..
  3. Yeah, whilst I didn't know the intricate gameplay differences between difficulty levels at 6, it was obvious what the names were alluding to.
  4. I think it would be great. I've been playing Carnal recently and it plays very much like Quake, but with late 90s aesthetic. It pulls off gibs and violence with a vibrant colourful sheen.
  5. To be honest, they could have changed the player model and slapped the Quake name on this and it would have worked. Arguably better than it does the Doom franchise. Unfortunately we're in a time where so much money is involved in game development and companies want guaranteed sales/installer base. If the circumstances around it were different I could see this being released as Quake 5.
  6. He was asked about glory kills, and kinda gave a vague response. Didn't confirm or deny they would be in the game, but it implies the glory kills won't be in it, at least not in the form we've seen.
  7. When I heard about the name and premise for this one I wasn't too thrilled, but this honestly looks brilliant. I don't know what to make of the flying sections, but the action looks fantastic, and with such a dark, gritty, yet dynamic aesthetic.
  8. This. I get everyone wants lore to every sprite, sound, texture or cover art piece.. but sometimes dev teams just think thing look cool a certain way.
  9. Yeah the OP referencing Doom 2016 in a 'back then/as a child' post has just made me feel damn old. Especially as I keep thinking of that game as being pretty recent, and having not got around to playing it yet.
  10. I'd assume that's definitely possible, just based on the fact that ROM images have been taken from games on every other cartridge based console. N64, SNES, Genesis, 2600, etc. Edit: A quick Google confirms it can be done with Switch games, though it doesn't specifically mention Doom.
  11. It IS definitely a scarier version of the game. Same with Final Doom. Also, while it is condensed, it doesn't really feel like you're missing out.
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