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About GoldenDragonLord

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  1. Sounds like a cool project, I'd love to be a part of it. Any chance I could get maps 20 and 24 ?
  2. I work in retail as an assistant manager in a small supermarket. Not the worst job in the world but I'm kinda sick of it, I've been there way too long. Been wanting a new job for a while but I don't have any qualifications and haven't had the energy to look for another job lmao. I'm planning on leaving this year and getting into a career I actually enjoy.
  3. Thanks for the response, sorry but it's not the one unfortunately. Thanks for responding but I don't think its either of those I'm afraid. TVR does have the rocket but the environment is completely different from what I remembered. I would assume the wad was made in the early to mid 2000s, possibly earlier.
  4. Hi all, looking for a wad I remember playing when I was a kid. I remember there being a map which featured a space rocket in a grassy outdoor area, with a techbase looking building nearby and a rock wall on the other side. I think it used stock Doom 2 textures but I'm not entirely sure. I initially thought it was a map from Hell Revealed 2 since it looked very similar to some of those opening maps. I also remember being able to raise the rocket, but that might just be me misremembering. I've tried searching for it but haven't found it yet. Anyone recognise the map?
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