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Everything posted by Spruce

  1. Story of my life right here. All joking aside, yes, I'd say it's generally pretty normal to have feelings like this from time to time. I'm entering a similar point in my life right now too, in regard to school and planning for life outside home. The pressure is immense, but I feel almost certain that the work I am doing now will help me prepare for a more comfortable future. The time you're in right now is serves as one of the largest transitional periods you'll undergo within your life, so even just the mere thought of moving out on your own can be daunting. It's important to try and keep your chin up during times like these. I am not nearly as wise as the others on this board, so I cannot speak from any particular experience. Just be sure to always ask for help when you need it, and know that your efforts are not going unnoticed. Best of luck as always, I'm positive you'll get through this!
  2. My game's video settings are set to the default of my monitor, yet the game displays the video weirdly. It's all shrunken down and cropped into the bottom left corner of the screen, with one part rendering the environment and the other the monsters. I don't have a picture on me right now but it's super unusual, is there any way I can brute force my game to reset all of its video settings to the default? If I can also delete its Steam Cloud that may help as well too. TL;DR: My video settings are acting super unusual and I don't know to fix it, where do I start?
  3. To put it simply, I'd say it offers itself as a challenge for the more dedicated Doom fans. Some, though, just find it more 'vanilla,' than what most modern ports of Doom have to offer.
  4. Mostly dark purple, but occasionally aquamarine.
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