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About Hellblazer

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  1. According to a legitimate FTC document from three years ago that was leaked recently, Doom Year Zero is part of Bethesda's schedule of games to be released in the near future. Not sure if this is the Eternal sequel id Software's supposedly working on or an entirely different game.
  2. Now that I think about it, it kind of makes sense since none of those other versions are legally sold anywhere nowadays. Thank you!
  3. Is it valid to use The Ultimate Doom PWAD to record demos of WADs that were made before that version came out? I was recently playing Serenity, a 1994 episode 3 replacement for the original Doom. In E3M8, you're given two choices to end the level. An easy way where you have to confront an Spider Mastermind and a bunch of other demons roaming free in a large area and a hard way where you should fight caged Barons, Cacodemons and a Cyberdemon in a tight space. In pre-Ultimate Doom IWADs like v1.2, v1.666 and v1.9 killing any boss enemy ends the level and the makers of this WAD are using this action to force the player to make a choice and you can tell it's intentional because they've placed a Baron outside the map so that killing all Barons wouldn't end the level. With the unreachable Baron 100% kills was already impossible but if you're using any of those older versions, you have the let the Cyberdemon live too. But then I saw that there is a UV max demo of this on DSDA with 99% kills and the text file only mentions the Baron thus it's safe to assume that they're using the Ultimate version. So what are the rules regarding such a situation?
  4. Nightdive recently released a botched Blade Runner remaster just to get it out on film's 40th anniversary. Let's hope that's not the case with Quake II.
  5. If there is a remaster coming out, it's probably by Nightdive, right? If it's going to run through their KEX engine, I wonder if they can fix the wobbly guns. It's just so bizarre to look at. No matter how much I played the game, I never got used to it.
  6. Right, but what if I placed plutonia.wad in Crispy's directory and just ran the executable? Would it automatically emulate the teleporter bug or should I specifically set the game version to Final Doom in the command line?
  7. Can Crispy Doom autodetect the IWADs' compatibility levels like PrBoom+? What's the default compatibility in Crispy?
  8. Wow, I just recently bought Resurrection of Evil and now they're giving it for free to all Doom 3 owners.
  9. No, I'm actually not really versed in Doom editing and used a patch someone shared here to create the WAD. Thanks for the guide though. I now have a clear idea of what I'm supposed to do.
  10. I'm playing through the Master Levels and both BLOODSEA.WAD and MEPHISTO.WAD use Tag 666. The problem is, I've patched the levels into a single WAD to play them with the MIDI pack and in PSN's order they occupy MAP14 and MAP15 instead of MAP07 where Tag 666 actually works. Apparently Crispy Doom has a fix for this but there isn't one in PrBoom+. So how do I fix this?
  11. Oh, that's why. It's funny because a while ago, I was playing Memento Mori which has a seperate MIDI wad and I did the same thing and it somehow worked. Anyway, thanks a lot!
  12. Hi! I want to play Master Levels with the MIDI pack on PrBoom+. I created the masterlevels.wad using a patch someone shared here and I'm using this command: [prboom-plus.exe directory] -iwad doom2.wad -file masterlevels.wad -file ml_midipack_crispydoom.wad -complevel 2 but it loads only the MIDI pack and not the Master Levels. The masterlevels.wad works fine in Crispy Doom so I know there's nothing wrong with that. And the GZDoom method (selecting files in order and dragging and dropping them) works so I know it's possible but can't get it running using the command line method. Any one knows what's the problem?
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