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About Lord_Future

  • Rank
    The Red Guy

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  1. Idk how but I didnt mean to send those 4 duplicate messeges. Can someone help me delete them :C
  2. Perturbator - Vengar (Feat. Greta Link) Took you away :P
  3. Alright Ill hold off a bit until you've got an idea of what it is
  4. @NullTheShadow Could you tell me how Map 28 will end? I wanna make Map 29 connect to Map 28 a bit at the start.
  5. Thank you for telling me how, and for the little history lesson. Much Appreciated :D
  6. I've seen some ranks that look very specific to the user, and I was wondering if they are custom ranks that you get for however long you are here. Like if you are here for 5 years you get the opportunity to change your rank.
  7. Interesting Visuals. In some maps they are really good at the start and then slowly degrade just a tad. Map 02 is unbeatable as you cannot find the red keycard. Also i got soft locked after going down the really long hallway. Map 03 was cool, baron room made me switch to map 04 after i was pushed off into a horde of HKs and Shotgunners Map 04 was goofy lol. I beat it in about 4 minutes on accident as the secret back to the start let me finish the level Map 05 broke my will to play.
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