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About StodgyAyatollah

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  1. After reading that article Musk linked to Hillary I've changed my mind. Musk now has my support LMAO. https://archive.ph/mwpfe#selection-313.57-317.62
  2. Don't worry, you linked a pay walled site so people won't be looking at it anyway. The TL;DR for everyone is pretty much that background checks have a failure rate.
  3. He's been open about having ambitions to making a western equivalent to China's WeChat. That appears to be his end goal with the purchase. As for how I feel about the whole issue. Twitter needed new management. Will Musk make it better? There's a lot of speculation and political posturing but who knows. It was a sinking ship that only has the use of quickly disseminating information. Maybe he can get it to a point where it has more functionality and cut all the bots but only time will tell. I do enjoy all the "oh no nazis" talk though. The site has been rife with extremists for years. It's not like changing ownership will make it any worse or that Musk is any worse than everyone else who's ever ran the site.
  4. I'm sure there are a lot worse jobs, particularly in the commercial farming or slaughter industries. Or anyone who has been to war. For the average person though I think I had a pretty rough introduction into the workforce. Made me a lot more resilient in the long run but It's debatable if it was worth it.
  5. My very first job as a teenager was for a Christmas tree farm. We traveled to small plots of land all over the state owned by the business to trim and maintain pine trees so they would be ready for the holiday season. Spinning in circles for 8 hours waving what were essentially three foot razor blades at the trees (to promote their cone shape) was exacerbated by the fact that 99% of the staff were on varying levels of drugs. Ranging from meth, coke, pot or booze. Being nothing but young men, mostly unsupervised who had a tendency to pull pranks on each other. I saw a lot of gruesome injuries. It was often in scorching heat so the sap from the tress would liquify and cover everyone. Any dirt or debris would become glued to it. Once it dried it couldn't be washed off without hours of scrubbing. I imagine it wasn't a dissimilar sensation to being tarred and feathered. One day I was sun burnt so bad I suffered 2nd degree burns over 25% of my body according to a doctor. I had gulf ball sized blisters up and down my arms. I wrapped myself in gauze and left a trail of dripping puss everywhere I went for a few weeks. I thought it must be one of the wort jobs ever so quit and found another a short time later and discovered I was very wrong. Things could be much, much worse. I started working at an egg ranch. The initial presence of ammonia when entering any of the buildings housing the chickens was suffocating, like a punch in the chest. I did many varying odd jobs as they were desperate for workers and a lack of training or knowledge didn't bar me from anything. Variously daily tasks involved handling the chickens and a lot of maintenance. The buildings were thousands of feet long and housed countless chickens. Rows of cages layered on top of each other. Each cage was roughly a foot and a half square and held five chickens, which had little room for them to move so they were missing most of their feathers from trying to move in the tight space and often caused each other serious injuries. Everything was covered in so much dust and shit it's hard to comprehend and there was a lake of shit beneath. You would walk on narrow, creaky beams between the rows of cages to get to them. The cages were angled so eggs would roll out onto narrow conveyors that were in constant need of repair. The chickens were transported from building to building at different stages in their life. The final building was were they spent their final days before trucks would pick them up to bring them for processing to be used in soups or other things where the quality of their meat wasn't important. This process involved quickly grabbing the fragile, aged chickens from their cages and slamming them into a stack of transport cages to be loaded on the truck. The entire time while doing this you had to listen to and feel their brittle bones breaking and were constantly being shit on. I actually washed my eyes out with bar soap those days because of the insane amount of shit that would get into your eyes. Any clothes you wore were ruined and would permanently carry the smell. A few other unpleasant tasks were putting on hip waders and going into the lake of shit to perform maintenance on the industrial fans. Vaccinating the young chickens because you were essentially sitting on the floor and reaching past your toes for multiple shifts and needles scraping on bone is a sensation that still makes my hair stand on end when remembering. Sweeping the ceilings was particularly god awful. The ceilings would accumulate around four to six inches of dust and debris caked into a thick mass of spiderwebs within a couple weeks. The cleaning method was to hold a corn broom straight up above you with just enough reach to touch the ceiling and walk forward, knocking a cloud of filth and spiders straight down onto yourself. Keep in mind these buildings were thousands of feet long. We had masks and goggles but you could not wear both because the googles would fog up too bad. We all opted for masks because breathing everything in sounded like a worse fate. So we would have thick masses of filth working it's way out of our eyes for days after. I also washed my eyes with bar soap on those days. Once I messed up my rotator cuff and couldn't lift anything more than five pounds without my arm turning to rubber so they put me on light duty. I had to go up and down the rows of cages with a children's snow sled looking for dead chickens and remove them from the cages. There are a few stages for them to have been in. Freshly dead where they are starting to bloat and can explode on contact. Decomposing, when they are just a gelatinous mass oozing through the cage floor while being stomped on by the other chickens. And dried, where they are nearly petrified, melded to the cage floor and covered in shit. I worked there for around six months before quitting, burnt all my wrecked clothes and wouldn't eat chicken or eggs for a few years after. Fortunately I've also experienced the other side of things since then and had some jobs on the complete other end of the spectrum.
  6. I think has somewhat similar rules to fantasy roleplay but it was made by a different company. I've only thumbed through both of them years ago. If you enjoy rule books all the Fantasy Flight 40k rpg's like that, dark heresy and black crusade are probably worth checking out. EDIT: Correction, 3rd ed fantasy roleplay was published by the same company, Fantasy Flight.
  7. I'll assume you've heard about the Rogue Trader game the Pathfinder devs are working on then.
  8. Used to have an hour and a half commute one way so I listened to a lot of the black library audiobooks at the time. Really enjoyed a lot of the older stuff and got into it quite a bit. I think I started with Eisenhorn. I'm not nearly as into it as I used to be but I have an alpha legion and black templar army I've put a fair amount of time into. Along with a wide assortment of other stuff like some 30k, fantasy battles, Necromunda, boxed games like Space Hulk and Burning of Prospero, old starter sets, misc rule books for stuff like the old inquisitor game and some less known boxes like Dark Future and Chainsaw Warrior. Never played much and don't know anyone near me who does but I really enjoyed the hobby aspect and the lore. I'm also a bit odd in that I used to enjoy reading rule books just for the sake of reading them. Lost interest in modern 40k with the primaris and a lot of the newer model designs along with being too expensive for me to justify to myself. Stuff mostly just got assembled, painted then put into storage. Edit: Completely forgot I made a retro style 40k teaser vid last year out of boredom. Used some footage from the cheesy old GW promo short films and the Space Crusade commercial.
  9. Strange that a game heavily influenced by the movie a boy and his dog, in which the protagonist is Could have such dark subject matter.
  10. After basically parroting an argument the fundamentalists used to go after D&D back in the day it may be best he have his own thread considering Fallout was heavily inspired by D&D and people, especially ones around in the 80s won't take kindly to that.
  11. I recall Tim Cain, the creator of the franchise talking about an argument he had with the higher ups at interplay regarding the ability to murder children in the first game. They wanted it removed but he was adamant for it's inclusion, not because the player should do it but because the setting required the moral ambiguity to allow them to and for them to face the consequences of their action. This is why killing children will tag you as a child-killer and people will treat you as such. In FO2 if you join the slavers you get a big brand on your forehead for everyone to see in a similar way. It was also a very common thing in post-apoc movies of the era, which they drew from. I personally think games generally don't add enough truly evil options, just generic villain bs which makes the good options feel less impactful. A big complaint I have with The Beth releases. People will use anything to advocate their beliefs and often perform crazy mental gymnastics to do so.
  12. Who need experience points when you can have autonomy points. Yeah, it's a weird mod and Canada is a weird country.
  13. But FO Tactics does have the only government funded mod, specifically the Canadian government. Which also happens to push a bizarre anarchist utopia agenda. So it does have that. https://www.moddb.com/mods/thesum
  14. Four if you count dogmeat. There are a few mods that fix that. Fallout et tu let's you play 1 in 2's engine. I think Fixt implements all the companion stuff. Those change a lot of things so I just play with sfall and a stand alone companion mod since I like to keep things vanilla and sfall mostly adds a bunch of qol stuff that can be turned on or off seperately. It even has a neat feature that lets you control your companions in combat.
  15. Just a heads up, charisma is barely implemented in 1. If it's high or low you get a couple unique lines of dialog while IN and speech effect like 99% of unique dialogs. It doesn't do anything else so you can get all the companions without it. EDIT: I would be lying if I said CH did nothing else. There are CH requirements for 3 perks.
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