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Everything posted by PanDeFrutas2007

  1. I finished the creation of this WAD the day: 09/15/2022 Doom - Undeground Levels.rar You have to play this WAD with DOOM 2 (LZDOOM OR GZDOOM)
  2. A re imagination from the 3rd chapter of DOOM: Inferno u need zdoom, lzdoom or gzdoom to play this (curiosamente ya tenia listo este wad hace 3 meses xd) Download BadassHell.rar New levels Yes Sounds No Music no Graphics Yes DehackedBEX Patch No Demos No Other Other files required None Play Information Game Doom 2 Single Player Yes Cooperative 2-4 Player No Death match 2-4 Player No Other game styles None Difficulty Settings Not implemented Construction Base New from scratch Known Bugs no Copyright Permissions Authors may NOT use the contents of this file as a base for modification or reuse. Permissions have been obtained from original authors for any of their resources modified or included in this file. You MAY distribute this file, provided you include this text file, with no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file intact. I have received permission from the original authors of any modified or included content in this file to allow further distribution.
  3. YaseiDoom it is a wad that tries to be quite unfair or difficult to complete. This wad have 10 levels Made by PanDeFrutas2007 YaseiDoom.zip https://youtu.be/5REwsnhDVgk
  4. Hi, I recently discovered a secret of ultimate doom, it's very cool. the comments on this post already told me it's a zdoom bug :c
  5. Yasei Doom is a wad for DOOM 2 that pretends to be quite difficult and unfair, it is currently under development but I decided to show this demo. I plan for the final version of YaseiDoom to have 10-15 levels. Works with zdoom and gzdoom YaseiDoom DEMO.rar
  6. I made this map for doom 2 because I was bored, but it's cool, with some difficulty. I played this wad with zdoom, but it also works with gzdoom and probably some mods PolyMania.rar
  7. if it's a small wad that only lasts a few minutes I don't usually save the game, but if it's a long megawad then yes, it really depends on the people, it's better to save halfway through the level, start again from 0 is sometimes very fuck, but there are people who like to take risks, for me it is a nuisance so... yes, there are people who enjoy it :D
  8. Cuando hay un juego ligeramente popular, es muy probable que le hagan traducción :v, suele pasar.
  9. wow, primera vez que encuentro un topic en español en doomworld :0
  10. playing again the ultimate doom with the doom 4 mod
  11. In addition to gardening, they could also play video games such as: Pico's School Postal 2 Super mario bros AMOGUS I can already imagine the demons watching animations and playing cool games on newgrounds.
  12. the Hell Knights are Gardeners of Hell, they love so much the flowers from the earth and us grass.
  13. Thanks for the advice, just before I posted this map I was already working on another one, I finished it and will post it on Monday, but now I'm reviewing John Romero's design rules, I'll try to apply that to the new maps :D.
  14. BANGER.WAD is a map for doom 2, i play it with zdoom it seems that you finally exterminated all the demons that had invaded the earth, oh maybe not, it seems that there is a base in a desert in which some demons took refuge, becoming stronger to try to invade the earth again BANGER.zip
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