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About mancubian_candidate

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  1. Play this, it's really good (drunk ATM so can't elaborate further) ❤️❤️❤️
  2. Map 11 (Umbreion Nils) from Tangerine Nightmare - a brutal unforgiving experience
  3. Hmmmm, you could just warp to Map 31. That's the next map in sequence 😄
  4. It's a death exit - should theoretically work fine but I played it in dsda doom
  5. Have played as far as Map 4 so far, well done all - this is excellent!
  6. I'm going to be all over this, loved the first one 😄
  7. This map set is something special - comes highly recommended from me, well done @AshtralFiend Hope you all enjoy :)
  8. Hi folks, Just want to report a bug - there's a Voodoo Doll missing from Map 15 (Sector 1536), which causes a softlock. Playing on RC4
  9. Haha, don't worry. Taste is subjective so I'll play as is when I get the chance and let you know 😄
  10. Wow, what an achievement! I'd love to give this a shot but don't have time to play a whole megawad at the moment (have a huge backlog!) I'll try record maps 6-10 seeing as Clippy did maps 1-5 and I'll leave feedback here 😄
  11. This looks so cool, will be adding to the backlog! 😄
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