A little late to the party here, (about 2 years) but I'm still doing this anyway.
In terms of recreating the maps of changed in doom, you are successful, in terms of making a fun experience, I feel you have failed.
All of the combat is really boring (anything with high tier enemies is just mindless BFG with the amount of ammo given) and enemy placement is really crammed up, probably because a lot of areas in changed are small hallways, and doom wasn't really meant to be like that, maybe you could've sacrificed map accuracy for more larger areas. Also, because there isn't any custom text on those intermission cards (its like that thing you see before you enter dead simple, not too sure if that's what you call it though,) the 3 endings at the end of the wad has no reason, though I can assume that's pretty hard to do, make 3 different cards for 3 different endings. One big problem is map 8 seems to be broken (got softlocked in a room and had to use noclip) and the exit doesn't seem to work (unless I'm just stupid)
I guess what I'm trying to say is maybe it would've been better if you spent more time on this and made a TC rather than a recreation. I am really sorry if I came off as a mean person, there isn't really any way I can sugarcoat it.