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About adasiok

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  1. I added brightmaps to some of my animal sprites but the glow is extremely un-noticable. It can only be seen a bit when maximally close the sprite even tho the brightmaps are contrasted at 200%, so only black and white pixels are on them. Is there a way of making brightmaps glow more intensively?
  2. Hmm, I'm not so happy about the use of ZScript, i prefer working in Decorate. I will think of it, then I will post the code if i will need it
  3. Do I even have to explain anything? Since I got cockroaches and ants, it would have been less boring to watch them around climbing walls and ceilings.
  4. No no no, I think you got me wrong. I want the decal to be spawned but ONLY on the ice, not in any other texture than ICE
  5. Hello (again)! In my mod the ice is pretty immortal which is unrealistic. What i would like to create is: after a grenade explosion on the ice, a cracked ice decal should summon in the place. How can I do it?
  6. Oh, sorry, I forgot to mention it. I'm using GZDoom
  7. Hello, I'm working on an RG14 Hand Grenade lately and came to a problem, how can i make the grenade not explode immediately after hitting the enemy but rather bounce off it and explode after a short amount of time?
  8. Latest GZDoom compatible only
  9. I have lately wondered how to make fire more realistic in a Doom mod... Thus I must ask, How can I achieve spreading fire? Not only fire spreading in random places but also burning the wooden terrain just to give it a realistic feel. For now in my mod you can have fire in a wooden house but it just disappears after time instead of burning the house down. It is most likely complex, but it's never stupid to ask.
  10. changed my mind again
  11. Works great, but now, how can I make a limit? I want maximally 25 potatoes to fall out, and then nothing should happen when you continue shooting. Is this possible?
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