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About Vytaan

  • Rank
    Green Marine
    Green Marine

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  1. Suspended in Dusk Category: 1 Survived in 94:52 vytaanDWIronman_SiD.zip Bauhaus Category: 1 Survived in 66:40 vytaanDWIronman_bauhaus.zip
  2. MAP12 NM100SI (100% items) in 0:55.77 nerf12-nm100si.zip About 350 attempts. Those early spectres are extremely random, gotta hope you can run past them decently. Video:
  3. Category 1 Dead on: MAP13 Kills: 95/602 Map entered at: 54:21 Time of death: 62:02 dwi-dvii-vytaan.zip Fun one! Climbing that mountain was just mean trap after mean trap though :(
  4. MAP11 NM100SI in 1:48.00 nerf11-NM100SI-1min48.zip Huge improvement, very happy with this one. I knew sub 2 was most likely possible, but I didn't expect to go under 1:50 as well. Main improvements compared to the last (above) run: - Saving the berserk for later. It saves time, and it allows you to get back to 100 health before dealing with the final section. That's two problems solved with one change! - Grab the armor bonuses (under the zombiemen) on the way back - Grab the health bonuses near the archvile jump on the way back - Make the jump to the secret early, grab the health bonuses on the way back. And aim the jump in such a way that you keep momentum. - Though it sucked to get stuck against the lost soul, being able to kill the Pain Elemental that early is pretty rare. Having him gone makes the final section a lot less chaotic, so I decided to not restart despite the small time loss. - Better movement in general, the last run had lots of moments where I stood still/took too long to fire/played it too safe
  5. MAP11 NM100SI in 2:08.40 nerf11-NM100SI-2min08.zip
  6. I'd LOVE to see demos for this. As Peter wrote, all the maps have been playtested and single-segmented - yes, they're hard, but they're not impossible!
  7. Category: 1 Survived in 3:04:54 Source port: DSDA v0.27.5 Hey, another survival! DWIronmanVytaanMarch2024.zip
  8. Category: 1 Survived in 37:13 Source port: DSDA v0.27.5 Hooray, my first survival! DWIronmanVytaanFeb2024.zip
  9. MAP05 NM100S (and 100% items) in 1:12.37 nerf05-NM100SI.zip Video:
  10. MAP03 NM100S (and 100% items) in 1:33.54 nerf03-nm100si.zip Video: MAP04 NM Speed in 0:55.69 nerf04-nmspeed.zip Video:
  11. Oops, I'll fix it tomorrow when I'm on my PC. I see I forgot the prefix too, so I'll fix that too then :p Sorry!
  12. Accidentally uploaded without a text file (and without the nerf prefix) - fixed it in a new post down below, plus added another demo.
  13. Category 1 Difficulty: UV Kill count on death: 38/38 Time of death: 55:46 Time upon entering map of death: 52:54 This wad is hilarious. Died on E3M9 due to an inescapable pit. Really thought the map had no exit for a while there, but uh, you have to stand on the awkward ledge on the very edge of the map apparently... I checked it after my death :P Played some of E3M8 too out of curiosity, but didn't make it to the end. Too many things appeared to be breaking and I couldn't handle it anymore. ^ me checking out E3M8 and dying to a 20 damaging floor that is only indicated by a small brightness change????????????????? same texture and all Pleasantly surprised I made it past the massive zero tag issue on E3M4 though! The map is still completable. :D VytaanIronEagleJan2024.zip
  14. Category 1 Kills: 120/766 Dead at: 15:16 Horrible start to the year. When fighting with a revenant, I accidentally stepped backwards into a little alcove where lost souls came out of earlier - and that caused me to not be able to dodge his missile. Fun pick though! I practiced it a bit afterwards and did it in a single segment, really enjoyed this one. VytaanIronmanJan2024.zip
  15. Congratulations!!! This is such a milestone for the Nightmare! difficulty and if this doesn't convince people to try it, I don't know what will. It proves how fun NM can be when experienced mappers actually design around its rules and quirks. Not only that: the quality of the maps and the (bespoke!) music is incredibly high. Over 2 years of hard work went into this and you can clearly tell. I implore you to give it a shot, even if you might think that playing on NM isn't your thing. It was my very first experience with the difficulty and NERF does a fantastic job at building up the challenge. There's optional goals to go for (100% secrets and even 100% items, they've been strategically placed) and you can also explore the maps without all the non-essential monsters, so you can figure out a route at your own pace. I can't recommend it enough. Once again a huge congrats to @Peter and the team and I can't wait to dive into the final episode!
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