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Everything posted by angelomerz

  1. Damn man thanks for the feedback! 1 - Both the super shotgun and the yellow key in map01 are intended to be obtained archvile jumping. 2- For the monster blocking linedef i never thinked of that, i never managed to make the cyberdemon in map02 fall, but I will fix that as it is really annoying. And i will fox the archviles one too. 3 - yeahYeah shootable switches not having a different texture or something really is a bad design choice, i need to rework them. 4 - thinking about the fight before the last fight, with the 3 viles and revenants, i made that as a filler fight just to drain your ammo a little but yeah I will probably change it because it serves literally 0 threats. 5 - Yeah, I will lighten up the part in map02 after the invisible bridge. I like not obvious progression, but managing to find the cave with the cyberdemon shooting at your back is just not fun.
  2. Playing through this right now. Really lovely wad with cool graphics, even tho i'm not really the biggest fan of the palette when you take damage, prefer the base one. Also I really really love the midis. I stopped playing through map03 just to listen to the soundtrack whole and map09's midi is just wonderful.
  3. Really cool and enjoyable map. The teleporters in the room with the Pain Elementals, The Chaingunners and The Cacodemon where you walk on a wooden bridge don't work. Looks like you forgot to put the teleport destination, the lines are still green.
  4. Just played it in Ultra-Violence killing every monsters and obteining 5 secrets. The aestethics are so good! Especially with the midi! I found the combat really entertaining, a little challenging but i really enjoyed some of the mean traps like the one with the revenant and the archvile and the fight with a lot fo imps, pain elemental, and the stationary archvile. I really like the level design honestly. I have not found all the secrets but they look really cool, they're not too cryptic nor too easy.
  5. Sign me up. Thinking about doing a boom-compatible punchy slaughter map.
  6. Sign of a Storm is a (currently work in progress) set of boom-compatible maps with an cold, frozen and purple aestetic, featuring slaughter-ish gameplay with some platforming, custom and otex textures and the second and third midis which i composed myself. -DOOM2.WAD, prb+ complevel 9 (or equivalent) -HNTR and HMP are implemented but not playtested -Maps are intended to be played from pistol start in Ultra-Violence difficulty The wad is currently work in progress and only has 2 maps. -Tested with dsdadoom with OpenGL renderer. Software renderer may cause some visual bugs. I plan on publishing new maps once i finish them. I am mostly searching for feedback. Download: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1T6TdgqrDiu9HkbdoZ8KNPUdqKYZfdnaB/view?usp=sharing SCREENSHOTS:
  7. damn man i'm loving your demos, playing this map we never thought of this route. And the chaingun and plasma one are very cool, without taking damage too, (and we never thinked of cheesing it staying in the tunnel but our bad it's kinda obvious). I think some of the fights of this wad can work in a serious wad if reworked a little.
  8. If people don't like the wad they can just ignore it instead of commenting aggressively (making the thread bigger and more visible too), you just need to see the screenshots to understand what type of wad it is, or just read the name. I don't know what people are expecting from a wad called circumcision. Btw we weren't aware of the whole shitpost wad situation in the forum 'cause we are new to the forum, we will not ever post another low-effort wad.
  9. well it's not about the decorations it's about the enemies
  10. i'm worried for when i will post an actually decent wad then
  11. did you played it with the doom (strict) compability? and should i use freelook?
  12. The joke of the wad is to see what we could make in 20 minutes, the random textures and dumb midis are just for the sake of it. The gameplay is certainly very bullshit but it's kinda of enjoyable (obviously thinking of the enemy placement, not the level design)
  13. This is a jokewad, we literally had 20 minutes to make each map, and no, i have not been banned before (???)
  14. I misunderstood, i am not saying to not make infighting, i am saying to do 100% kills. Pacifist doesn't require 100% kills i think.
  15. Damn man cool demos. Waiting for people to complete harder maps like Map3, 6 or the pistol ones (obviously UV Max)
  16. It' supposed to be played UV Max, pacifist is easy af
  17. hope you are not playing it in HMP or lower :D
  18. Made by Angelomerz and MaxNut Circumcision is a set of 13 boom-compatible maps designed to be played with the only weapon given to the player, named in the map name too. Literally a shitpost, each map was made in 20 minutes as separate doom challenges. It's intended to be beaten UV-Max, every other difficulty other than UV is a cyberdemon hell! Every map is possible, we've beaten all of them. Also no crouching, jumping or freelook, the wad was tested on dsdadoom and it use DOOM2 iwad. For more info read the txt. circumcision.zip
  19. The red key ambush was pretty cool. Maybe there were too much medikits. Also the shotgunner and the chaingunner in the switch room were stuck into each other. I really like it, very cool decoration and atmosphere
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