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About cHIBIs

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  1. Episode 2 UV-Speed in 3.46 (4.40) ~430 attempts I used gzsecret.wad , it gives me another sound of "The secret is revealed". ep2-0440.zip
  2. really? btw it help me! gotcha :) Thanks a lot to all who help me in this topic!!!
  3. Sure, that is enabled in doom's menu, i see the text of this notification but sound dont.
  4. Version is 5.6.4 or later? Redownloaded and nothing happened.
  5. doesnt work added to my .bat file and its look like crispy version 5.6.4 crispy-doom -IWAD doom.wad -file gzsecret.wad -skill 4 -complevel 3 -shorttics there is no sound now but i see the text of it but on prboom-plus it works fine... maybe i should replace .dll file with soundpack, but i dont know which one
  6. I am speedrunning doom and i see that zero-master and others players like looper on youtube has source ports like mine AND the sound like this: https://youtu.be/jwAJtYo2doQ?t=36 (time-code) I have prboom, dsda and crispy doom other kind of versions but i dont have this sound, what will i do to change sound of the secret revealed? There is no answer for my question, where i can download the right pwad file or what kind of configuration i need....
  7. EP1 M1-M7 UV-Speed in 6:10 (7:07) ep1-0610.zip
  8. There are any rules about demo and videos on youtube? I recorded video and uploaded on youtube on each of my demos here but only 1 demo included it, why? I have normal sounds and music like once...
  9. 2 uv-speed demos with sr50+lucky maps for challenge :D Map 20 in 38.60 lv20uv038.zip Map 15s in 35.29 lv15suv035.zip
  10. Look like there is a social network for something from source like "my life". Right now.

  11. Should i rename it back for the future demos?
  12. That is the Doom 2 Widescreen Assets.wad but i was renamed it for simple using in my startup command line. The assets placed down left corner which displayed the timer and the others assets of map. I used it before when played on prboom-plus and then i copied to dsda-doom source port and renamed.
  13. Map 02 uv-speed in 43.29 lv2uv043.zip
  14. Map 10 uv-speed 32 seconds lv10uv032.zip
  15. I have option in game like this. So my complevel is 2 when i recorded demos or i should type -complevel 2 in my startup commands? Thanks to you.
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