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About Mamalyth

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  1. Not really much to tell. We are doing our best to survive without him. Our son is doing ok he is a pretty bright and resilient kid. We moved back in with Brendt's family. I'm still lost but I manage with the support.
  2. If I haven't replied to you know I am so thankful for all the kind words.
  3. Thank you so much. He was pretty awesome. We miss him so very much.
  4. We have a son. The little girl is our niece
  5. I have alot of love and prayers coming my way. The worst time is night time. He had just started a new map with our son last week
  6. This post both comforts and cuts. He was an amazing husband and father. And this post showed me that
  7. Thank you, he worked his ass off for our son and I. He still played Doom often with Max who loves the game along with other old people games like commander keen.
  8. Thank you so much we will be getting therapy after his funeral.
  9. Thank you everyone I am blown away, with the support. I am beyond lost without him.
  10. He has told me about the skat man john Idea. If you ever do max would play it he has as much passion for Doom as his Daddy. They would watch replays on YouTube before bed.
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