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About Katzimir

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  1. Here is someone offering exactly my early version of PEARL on Ebay right now. However, the Disc 4/4 has a label from PEARL and not the original from id software. Doom 1 PC 1993 - Rare Immediate purchase: EUR 599,00 The condition of the box also seems not so great and the PEARL Hintbook has been punched. As I said, this is not my offer.
  2. Can you post screenshots please? That would be cool.
  3. No, the "Nudity/Sex" thing is just an option on a card that comes with the box and explains the different terms that warn the potential buyer: "Violence", "Nudity/Sex" or "Language". In the case of this product/box, it is about "Violence", as seen on the sticker of the box at the bottom right.
  4. "There is life after death, unfortunately!"
  5. Poster headline: "There ist life after death, unfortunately!" This big box somehow stands out from the other boxes with its really successful artwork. The grey drawing is the same drawing that was used as the background graphic for the Doom I Big Box backside. There, however, it was coloured to red. Although posters don't make much sense in these boxes when folded into 12 pages.
  6. Master Levels For Doom II https://www.doomworld.com/forum/topic/130642-master-levels-for-doom-ii-cd-rom-and-poster/
  7. Hello Guys, I just wanted to show you a few pictures of my original US big box. Have fun, enjoy
  8. Well, I'm 56 now and who knows. In any case, I don't want to burden my family with finding out about all this stuff and then selling it. My girlfriend recently had to sell all the model railway stuff from her father's estate - and it was a horror. Maybe after I die, everything will just go in the rubbish, and then no one will have anything.
  9. Yes, "Master Levels for Doom II" is the US version with Maximum Doom and a special poster. Of "Doom II" I have the original US version and the German censored version. "The Ultimate Doom" is the UK version. "Final Doom" is the EU version. All big boxes in Top condition. In Germany, I think PEARL Agency was out after Doom I and Doom II was then only distributed by CDV Software.
  10. These were the order options for my Doom version in Dos-Tend magazine at the time:
  11. Thanks for your statements! I have kept this box well for almost 30 years, so I will certainly be able to keep it for a few more years. :) BTW, I also have a lot of other original id Software stuff in my game box, such as: "Final Doom", "The Ultimate Doom", "Doom II" and "Master Levels for Doom II".
  12. Another auction went for 193.56 € here today: https://www.ebay.de/itm/Doom-1993-PC-3-5-Disk-Version-Mit-OVP-Anleitung-laeuft-/354106814040?hash=item5272692e58%3Ag%3A8KcAAOSwaslipzi1&nma=true&si=zdlt%2BeIy0F3JOAKfJnIt%2Fmm10h8%3D&orig_cvip=true&nordt=true&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2557
  13. Why so suspicious? No, your assumption is wrong. I merely posted this and the other discs only auction as examples of what others want to see in bucks for such things. Why would I have a second eBay auction going on and then not say that here? And as I said before, my eBay Kleinanzeigen ad has been deleted.
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