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XK 47

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About XK 47

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  1. You see pal, He may or may have not included All of the IWADS when Archiving. At least all the Important IWADS. Here's what I mean by that:
  2. I need help here. When I was making a map the Glass textures that are supposed to be transparent wont be well, transparent no matter what I do. Oh and another thing, some of the textures do not load whatsoever and the slopes, Fuck the slopes. They don't even load up at all! To anyone who can help me here, please help. And do give me tips too. I am a new mapper that's why

  3. The only good thing about 0.6 - 0.9 would probably be the old SSG and Chaingun textures. The old Chaingun looked like a really good minigun and not just a bralled with holes on a barrel ring. The SSG texture looked less like the HDOOM SSG and more like a really futuristic Plasma SSG
  4. And just to clarify, no this is not a joke post. If yall are wondering what is my job, then look no further than this:

    In short, Artist


    1. XK 47

      XK 47

      I'm gonna make the weapon art today

      Mainly, I'm going to start with the starter weapon: The G47K Rifle

  5. To answer your question because a mod decided to close the post to further replies, I took art director

  6. I am making an addon for Brutal doom that will reskin the weapons and add new enemies. The weapons will not be replaced. The will just be reskinned in order to fit the aesthetic of the mod. None of the demons will be replaced. Instead new demons and enemies will be added. Unfortunately, no the classic Doomguy face will be replaced. It will look like my profile picture instead. (No this is not me forcibly plastering my face all over this mod) If you want to know what is this mod about, here is a link to show you what this mod is about: https://xtaleunderverse.fandom.com/wiki/XTale_Wiki (Yes I am an undertale fan shut up). This addon will come with a map pack included, so I probably need a map designer on that part, so in that case I also need a map designer. If this post looks like it was made by an amateur, that's because it is. I already took up role of Lead art director. And 1 last thing. I can't give out payments. I do not have a bank account or a credit card for that matter. Besides my country's currency is essentially worth near nothing in US Dollars. Php 50 for 1 simple US Dollar? Hell no.
  7. Screw the chaingun. Those barrels are large enough to fit presumably 50.cal rounds. Why can't doomguy load in 12 gauge shotgun shells in there instead?
  8. Now all we need is for Zandronum to have Full ZScript and DECORATE/ACS support and we can finally do the one thing that we could not before, Play the Full version of Russian Overkill on multiplayer without having to get a third party port!
  9. I deleted the IWADs I got from trying to get Brutal Doom



    Screw it, imma just use like 200 Philippine Pesos which equals $2 in America to get DOOM1 and DOOM2

    Am I safe now from ID Software's Wrath?

    1. satan
    2. wallabra


      There is no "wrath" lol, especially in a local authority like the Philippines that doesn't care about piracy.


      Besides, who DOES care anyway? At the end of the day it just lines the pockets of Bethesda executives and investors and stakeholders. Everyone knows that. The real life, material consequences of otherwise are pretty negligible and perhaps even preferable? Hmm.


      The point is just don't announce it lol, keep it to yourself

    3. XK 47

      XK 47

      Welp, It's gone now

  10. Zandronum 3.2 with zscript and full DECORATE support when?


  11. Freedoom 0.6 - 0.9 Most of it pre 0.10 was very good. Hellonearthstarterpack.wad players may recognize some of the maps because, they are the source maps. The chaingun texture pre 0.10 looks like an actual chaingun and not a single barrel with holes connected to a cylinder with holes. Most of the other weapon sprites were really good. Except the shotgun. That can go to Hell as ID Software has once said. For the monster sprites, eh good enough. Some sprites like the imp are better made in 0.6 - 0.9 than in 0.10. Other sprites look even worse than what they are now in 0.10. Overall good IWAD.
  12. Most of it pre 0.10 was very good. Hellonearthstarterpack.wad players may recognize some of the maps because, they are the source maps. The chaingun texture pre 0.10 looks like an actual chaingun and not a single barrel with holes connected to a cylinder with holes. Most of the other weapon sprites were really good. Except the shotgun. That can go to Hell as ID Software has once said. For the monster sprites, eh good enough. Some sprites like the imp are better made in 0.6 - 0.9 than in 0.10. Other sprites look even worse than what they are now in 0.10. Overall good IWAD.
  13. Will it be Zandronum Compatible though? If this a quake styled megawad then it should be Multiplayer by default because, well, Quake
  14. My friends, I am finally leaving freedoom behind. I have obtained both doom 1 and 2's bfg edition somehow by attempting to download a modified version of brutal doom dox. I am now leaving freedoom behind for now as I explore Doom 1 and 2 classic maps.
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