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XK 47

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About XK 47

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  1. I deleted the IWADs I got from trying to get Brutal Doom



    Screw it, imma just use like 200 Philippine Pesos which equals $2 in America to get DOOM1 and DOOM2

    Am I safe now from ID Software's Wrath?

    1. satan
    2. wallabra


      There is no "wrath" lol, especially in a local authority like the Philippines that doesn't care about piracy.


      Besides, who DOES care anyway? At the end of the day it just lines the pockets of Bethesda executives and investors and stakeholders. Everyone knows that. The real life, material consequences of otherwise are pretty negligible and perhaps even preferable? Hmm.


      The point is just don't announce it lol, keep it to yourself

    3. XK 47

      XK 47

      Welp, It's gone now

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