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About stressrepellentmachine

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  1. honestly hope not. Nu-Doom has run it's course and I honestly don't think Doom Eternal was a very good sequel. Sometimes things just have to end in order to die with honor. BUT! If they are going to do a new DOOM (which they might considering how much of a massive moneymaker it seems to be) i would prefer if they went down the route of DOOM 3, something with more horror influence, that's my ideal. Or focus on something that can be modded immensely, my favorite part of DOOM 2016 was snapmap.
  2. sonic is fine. I think i've noticed i've mostly stopped caring about the franchise after Sonic Adventure 2 (big surprise since that's the one i grew up with and have the most nostalgia bias for). There are some few exceptions, I fucking love Shadow the Hedgehog and Sonic Rush for example but I just don't find that same spark I had in it, i guess it's just not for me anymore. Won't lie that Sonic Frontiers looks good though, i may try it out soon!
  3. Doomslayer is extremely cheesy to me so I just say Doomguy for both variants
  4. shotgun sound honestly, nothing is as satisfying to me as it
  5. i've never actually beaten doom 1 and 2... only the first chapter of it and the first chapter of the 2nd game
  6. probably would say...spacewar? Like the atari game. i remember having a lot of fun with it!
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