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About eqagunn

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    Green Marine

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  1. Just played though it. Twas fun. :D Turned out to primarily be a game about whipping the flames, so many flames. But a humble amount of levels made it not become a nuisance, not too much. Music and atmosphere were great. Giant Bats in the final level were the only enemies I didn't bother killing. Enemies couldn't use stairs and I'm guessing that's intentional. Took me until the last level to notice that power-up dropping flames have different color though would have smacked them all anyway. Actor tags need space characters for better compatibility with Target Spy. Crouching isn't disabled by default and that treasure room in the last level made me feel it should be. Tried to get the score as high as possible and ended up with 182500. Are BigCross and SubBible attainable? Also made a tiny addon which moves the HUD all the way into bottom-left corner. Along with the score so centered messages can be used. Completely scalable! Here is before and after: Download here!
  2. Played through it in GZDoom v4.11.3. It has a feel of Faithless Trilogy and Veil of Darkness, but better! Liked how it was made with both crouching and jumping in mind, along with multiple transformations that allow you to reach areas you normally wouldn't be able to. A few notes about issues/inconveniences encountered: Loved this message haha: Looking forward to HoN2!!! ^^
  3. I was playing with Sunken Land in GZDoom v4.11.3 (default compatibility) to see how much will I regret not using the one that comes with it. There was nothing progress stopping in the official episodes (except secret levels being inaccessible) but quite a few things to note: - Almost all levels have a way to backtrack and collect missed secrets with the exceptions being E3M8 and E4M2. - Instead of Target Spy showing monster names it's showing original names of what was overwritten (e.g. Nazi, ShortBlueToch). - I like how E4 has wooden board over doors that you are not meant to open, but unfortunately earlier episodes don't. - It would have been great if monsters had more frames and weren't that choppy. - Didn't like how the exit door sometimes triggers the exit and sometimes holds more content behind. Once there was even one secret behind it. - Only the first episode shows the final stats, the rest of them don't. - Secret exit was broken in all the episodes. - Seems all I can do is cons. What about pros? Well, everything else. Good thing that Bonus episode have been omitted from the SL release as the experience was subpar. Here is some feedback on v3.0: - E5M1 has too many secrets and some are so ridiculously obscure that they take away the fun. - E5M9 and E5M3 have leftover (earlier) mapped content that should be removed, along with whole E5M10. - Would be nice if that Eyespawner in E5M5 would stop/explode once all switches are pressed. Played through the VR one as well: - The textures are an eye sore. Would have been nicer if everything was mostly textured the usual way with only sections/patches having the VR textures to give the impression you are in a Holodeck that's corrupted. Various YouTube comments seem to agree: "Who needs textures?", "They really ran out of ideas at this point", "It looks just like the matrix in tek war..... Jesus Christ", "This just looks lazy", "Finally over, good riddance...lazily made levels." - Those two invincible Eyespawners in E6E7 are opposite of fun. Let us kill them! Played through with freelook and almost everything is textured to fully support it. A few timber beams and some lamps are the exceptions. Overall the game was a relaxing and pleasant experience (the first four episodes) and I would recommend it to any retro FPS lover that seeks the same. Thank you for making it! I didn't like having health in the middle so I have modified the HUD by moving health into corner and before armor. Here are before and after screenshots for direct comparison: If anyone's interested you can grab it from ModDB or from this post's attachment.
  4. Can't get it to work either. Tried with launcher, with cmd, with older version, with plums' hud config. No cookie. EDIT: Figured it out. Had to use +/- to change the screen size. Silly of me for not trying that first. EDIT 2: Here is my modification if anyone is interested: Download: dsda-hud-eqagunn.zip
  5. I have since been playing REKKR, had to do some HUD rearranging for it as well (see before and after) and learned how to make it scalable. Your SBARINFO has positive values only which are offsetting HUD objects from top-left corner towards bottom-right. To have it offset things from opposite corners and towards opposite direction all you need to do is use negative values equal to width/height of the image! For example using DrawImage "FSSBAR1", 0, -26; and DrawImage "FSSBAR2", -91, -73; will make them stay in the corner for all resolutions and all UI scaling values set! You can find my HUD addon attached and give it a spin! Personally I think corners are the way as otherwise it's blocking the view. And Vitality being before Armor is the way other games have wired my brain. Perhaps consider adding it as an optional feature if you want to stay true to the original with this. Although, with air pockets being there player's impression is that there was meant to be limited oxygen but it's bugged instead.
  6. I had a dream. A dream where Supercharge sprites were voxelized to make the mod compatible with Cello's Voxel Doom II with Parallax Textures.
  7. Hi. Any way to get the HUD into the corners? Currently, the higher the UI Scale is the more centered it gets: EDIT: I have created a patch for HUD to be in corners. The position of Armor and Vitality have also been swapped to have it in more natural order. Also made to be completely scalable! If anyone's interested you can get it from here. Either overwrite the files within the Osiris.ipk3 or autoload it. See screenshot of it in action: This has to be by far the best way to experience this game. Thank you for providing us with the means to do so. Played through it whole while getting all kills and secrets on the way. Secrets were more on the wall-hugging side, but that was expected. Found it enjoyable overall. A few notes from my playthrough: I know you have no plans to do The Killing Grounds but if you ever change your mind I would love to play it. Perhaps one day someone makes it into an addon episode. Fingers crossed!
  8. I wasn't reading through 22 pages of posts. :D MAP35 seems to be hot topic at the moment! There is one more thing, probably mentioned already and perhaps intentional. Aside the intended way as explained by Dragonfly there is an alternative way:
  9. GZDoom v4.11.3 | Default Compatibility | Eviternity 2 vRC2 | Supercharge v3.0b | Skill Level 1 A few screenshots from my playthrough: The first Eviternity caused me a doom burnout last year. This second one made me take a week break in between haha. Amazing mapsets both of them nevertheless! Integrates flawlessly with Supercharge once again. Nacs are a pain.
  10. Perhaps it would be the best if you add it to the first post for future players as I have completed this mapset and it is of no use to me any longer. :) OMG! So there isn't meant to be a forth one? And I've spent about an hour looking for it haha. The reason I report them is because it hurts me to see something being done so well with a lot of effort invested yet often left unpolished. Usually so little is required to make it golden!
  11. Are they the ones that awaken then get stuck in the ceiling? I noticed that happen a few times but completely forgot. Yes, I believe so. It happened in two different alcoves. Although an explosion was able to kill them all. I see. I was hoping you have disabled them completely. Respawning is only an annoyance for me and it seems for others as well. Coming back to an area I made sure I cleaned and wondering where did that guy come from and how did I miss him. Which door was this? The one at the bottom of The Old Mill. While the spiral staircase is still blocked, you can stand above where the door is, and while looking horizontally at the centre pressing interact will make you enter that corridor as if you have interacted with the door directly. Which is likely what happens due to how verticality in the engine is. Funny thing is, when I encountered them I thought how they look like they are from Morrowind haha, but I though they were only a decoration. This was because you need to interact with them to collect them while the rest of the items pop into your inventory upon being close by. Only when I used "give all" I noticed the lamps are collectable. Not entirely sure what happened here. I noticed that sleeping Afrits can be pushed by attacking and they would get pushed horizontally through the air and remain to float in spot. That is gravity doesn't affect them. Perhaps something similar happened with that Shock Orb as well. @pagb I'm lost without your guidance haha.
  12. HexenDD had the same annoyance an there was a mod created that disables the respawning as per discussion in this thread. I have been playing on very easy (still quite hard lol) with v1.4 and Mawthorns (Forest of Gloom and Bloodwind Castle), Spore Pods (Stinksump Swamp), and Harpy (Abandoned Mine) were still constantly respawning. Other issues include: - An invisible Claw Orb for Mage in Varnak's room even though I was playing with Fighter. - An out-of-bounds Shock Orb in Hidden Machinations. - A few Afrits out-of-bounds at two spots in Lair of the Ice Queen (entrance is called Catacombs of Ice for some reason). - The switch in The Old Mill spawns two platforms with no apparent usage; as if there was meant to be a third one in between. - Door that leads to corridor to Hidden Machinations can be accessed while still blocked off by pressing Interact directly above. - I couldn't find 4th secret in Forest of Gloom and the 5th Troll (but I had 3 extra Lockpicks hehe). Took forever to figure out: - that the rotatable wall is rotatable - how to open Temple of Divine Shadow Nevertheless, I enjoyed this map pack as much as I enjoyed Faithless Trilogy. Really great stuff!
  13. Been 9 months since the last wad I played. Screenshots of this one caught my eye. And seeing it was made with Supercharge I knew I must give it a try. Absolutely masterful craftmanship and beauty. Having a hub and the option to revisit all the levels and all their parts is always an awesome feature for me. Oh, and music, I don't know how else to describe it but heartwarming, especially the MAP05 one. All in all, smells like Cacoward. I was playing with RC1 via GZDoom v4.8.2. The very few issues I have encountered in my playthrough (3.5h for 100%) are as follows: Console is showing the following errors when loading maps:
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