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june gloom

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About june gloom

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    fight trans genocide by any means necessary
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  1. So here's a question, would it be possible to break out the monster code into a separate module for those who don't want to run afoul of DEHACKED shenanigans?
  2. So what would it take to get this to play nice with Walpurgis? I seem to have temporarily solved it by stripping out the Wolfenstein SS code from Walp's monstersdoom.txt in /actors. Could probably just make a patch or something since I have no intention of using Walp's internal monster system anyway.
  3. One of the most important things I ever did for my mental health was discovering philosophical nihilism. It helped me look past all of the constructs we've built around ourselves. Nothing in our society is permanent, inviolate or inherent. All our art, culture, morality, wealth, and knowledge, will disappear eventually. All our arguments about what economic system is best for society will cease to matter. There are things we learned two thousand years ago that have been long-forgotten. In a hundred years nobody is going to care about anything that happened today; in a thousand, nobody is going to care about anything that happened this decade. On a long enough timeline, there won't be anybody to care at all. And that's okay. Because we're not going to live a hundred years. We're definitely not going to live a thousand. We're living right here, right now. The most important moment in your life is the one you're living right now. So show some love to your loved ones, enjoy life free from the shackles of believing that you're here for some purpose because you're not, you were brought into this world without your consent just like everyone else. There is no fate but what we make. The sound of rain on the roof. The quiet ocean noise of passing cars. The gekkering of foxes at play. The way people express their culture through food. The simple joy of getting that package you ordered. Treating yourself to ice cream on a hot day (might do that myself this weekend!) The day that video game you wanted finally came out. Discovering a new movie you like. Going to your favorite restaurant. Going to your other favorite restaurant that's on the other end of town so you don't get to go much. Discovering just how good a weighted blanket feels. Finding new joy in stuffed animals. (You deserve a stuffed animal. They're little guys made to be loved.) That sense of success when you manage some minor but annoying adult task (like getting your ID stuff sorted out, which you really should do.) Posting on a decades-old forum in character as a caveman (or various Arnold Schwarzenegger characters, I guess.) Pizza rolls, fresh out of the microwave. Take joy in these. Take joy in the world around you. Find your own meaning in life.
  4. Again, if that's how you want to interpret it, that's fine, but I would really rather not argue about it any more than we already have. While "just do shrooms about it" is obviously a much worse suggestion, it doesn't make "have you tried therapy" a good thing to say. I cut people slack if they don't know me, but at this point anyone who knows me and my history knows better than to suggest it.
  5. It's kinda right there in the text, fam. Meanwhile you're the one who extrapolated things that weren't actually said. He never said anything about disclosing your mental health status to a prospective partner, in fact he's arguing fairly directly that you should be mentally stable before getting into a relationship which just isn't possible for a lot of people.
  6. Please don't patronize me. "You need mental stability by yourself before planning to get in a relationship" is pretty cut and dry in its meaning and implications. I understand that you have a different interpretation but it's not mine. Again, I'm fine with not debating it until and unless he can come in and explain for himself.
  7. Anyone who takes issue with what I said earlier in this thread, I recommend you read Gilles Deleuze, Anti-Oedipus might explain it a little better than I can. I've been to therapy multiple times across multiple therapists since I was a child. It did nothing but gaslight me. And the kind of people who push therapy as a cure-all tend to be like my former best friend, a raving narcissist who went to therapy to learn how to be a worse person. I will never forget what they did to me and how they used therapy lingo to justify it. This is a very generous reading of what someone who has been very dismissive of this entire thread was saying, and to be honest, I don't think said reading is accurate, but I'm definitely fine with not debating it. He can explain for himself if he wants.
  8. So you're saying that people who have mental health problems aren't deserving of love?
  9. I agree with this, but not in the sense that American healthcare is a scam (though it is) and more that therapy itself isn't actually designed to help anyone. Therapy is just a powerful tool for oedipianization (which means, in essence, training a patient to self-police into conformity and ensuring they return to producing surplus value, manifesting in things like self-repression and a desire for authority figures; in short, putting a cop in your head) managed by therapists who are paid by the hour to make unfalsifiable diagnoses. In short, therapy is a tool to train patients into embracing a police state, and, crucially, you don't need capitalism for that: many nominally leftist states and movements used therapy as a weapon against their citizens/members. There may be some value for people in genuine crisis, but the idea that therapy is universally helpful seems to be a self-replicating meme among patients (many of whom are unable to stop being patients) who treat therapy as an all-encompassing panacea and ascribe moral value to therapy as if not being in therapy is a sign of some sort of failing. They adopt an attitude that therapy serves a neutral function within capitalism and the process of production, as if something like that could ever exist, and my experience is that the people who make that assertion are little more than cultists. I'm not promoting alternate medicine or woo or anything like that; if anything, I think therapy is alternate medicine/woo, and the way therapy patients treat it is very similar to how people who believe in woo like essential oils act. There are many ways to work through one's problems in a healthy way, paying some nerd who can have you institutionalized on a whim doesn't seem like one of them.
  10. I'm already mad about it, the hype is real. I'm joking/not joking. I haven't really been happy with the last bunch of Metroid games, including Dread.
  11. I'm in a weird spot where I'm currently relatively happy compared to pretty much any point in my life in the last 20 years but I also know that it's fragile and my life could fall apart at pretty much any moment. I don't feel like I have true stability.
  12. So go live on the north pole or something instead of telling people to "just get over it."
  13. I didn't really use it for long-range sniping so much as medium-range fire where the decreased firerate made it easier to stay on target. I also didn't really use it for gladiators since those fuckers are so jittery, at first I used the double-barrel but after a while I just started blowing them up.
  14. Untrue, I used marksman+support and it did the job just fine. You're also kinda buried in ammo for it, not enough to just use it willy nilly but I found that I could use it fairly frequently for the big fights.
  15. Untrue, I found one during normal play. I believe it was in the room behind the crazy scav in the Choka Cola plant.
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