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june gloom

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Everything posted by june gloom

  1. Ahaha I love this argument because it's a dead giveaway for admitting to having a sense that something is wrong with the current system but not having the guts to call it by name so they reach for a whole other word for it so as to not suffer from cognitive dissonance. No, babes, it's capitalism. "Corporatism" doesn't even mean what you think it means. A farmer's market is simply that -- a marketplace for trade, and trading goods or services has existed in one form or another for thousands of years. Capitalism is private ownership of capital (hence the name) and the means of production with a drive towards infinitely increasing wealth, whatever the cost. It’s the foundation of five hundred years of colonialism and slavery, and is at the root of many of our modern-day social ills. It's also only a few hundred years old, and neoliberalism -- the ideology that justifies it -- is even newer. Sorry not sorry to ruin your carefully constructed worldview in which capitalism means buying stuff!
  2. PS Possessor Worms legit made me scream. Whatever you do after you're all done with Ashes please make it scary because this is top-notch.
  3. Missing texture in the mall level. Also lots of misaligned textures, mostly floor/ceiling, in the subway level immediately prior, too many to list to be honest.
  4. This really ignores the deep issues with Nintendo and other companies in the Japanese gaming industry.
  5. "Night School" might be the quintessential Ashes level. I loved every second of it. Easily one of the creepiest levels I've ever played in a game. I wanted to report that you can talk to the militia NPCs through the fence after fighting Lukas but they all return a generic string of text. [ETA] also the Gladiator uses the same burning death sprites as the rank-and-file mutants.
  6. Scott also recently slagged off the Selaco devs then blocked everyone who called him on it. As far as Ion Fury et al are concerned, Voidpoint is pretty closely tied to the culture at Duke4.net. Now, Duke4.net is a good place to keep abreast of what the Duke community is up to, but it's also an incredibly toxic place with some of the worst people -- almost as bad as a certain Doom forum that shall not be named. All that drama over Ion Fury is because Richard Gobeille, despite his invaluable work with Eduke32, is kind of a shithead. That whole fight he had with Randy Pritchford didn't make either of them look good.
  7. Just a reminder that all these remakes, reboots, sequels and the endless nostalgia-baiting are all because we as a society have no future and aren't allowed to imagine one. We are rapidly approaching some level of societal collapse and everyone can sense it even if they don't have the words for it.
  8. High on Fire is great, yes. But honestly? I haven't been big into metal for almost two decades now and every time I poke my head back in I'm reminded of why I left. In the mid-to-late 00s after being extremely disillusioned with the metal scene and especially angry at the direction Opeth (my favorite band at the time) was taking, I realized I needed to explore other stuff, so I switched to post-hardcore (and post-metal, which is basically just "what if Explosions in the Sky was heavy?") and got really into it, after a couple years I went back to some of the bands I grew up on and I thought to myself, am I just older, or has this always been a load of juvenile bullshit, creatively stagnant and forever trapped in the six months after Linkin Park's Hybrid Theory came out, doomed to an eternity of repeating the same old shit in the name of being tr00 metal (in reaction to the perceived takeover of numetal, which was seen as a threat and dilution of metal as a genre) and making money hand over fist playing down-tuned chuggery for a bunch of emotionally stunted geeks with wallet chains? It didn't take me long to realize that the answer was both. (To be clear, I love Linkin Park, and a wide swathe of the metal scene twenty years ago was so angry at the rise of numetal and new fans joining the scene through "the wrong bands" that the old heads went in a deeply reactionary direction, both creatively and politically.) And don't get me wrong, I do still enjoy metal as a genre, but it's just not what I listen to anymore. I'm still listening to post-hardcore stuff (Sparta, Beloved, Secret & Whisper, among others, plus newer stuff like My Dead Girlfriend and Body Thief) but I also listen to a lot of vaporwave, future funk, jazz (usually older stuff but I appreciate doomjazz greatly) and whatever genre Ulver is in a given year.
  9. This. I always come back to Doom (and Duke 3D) but there's always so many other games to play.
  10. Mick's score is definitely industrial/djent, not even a question. Bobby's tracks are a little more all over the place -- obviously there's the straight lifting from popular metal bands (and "Running From Evil," while not to my knowledge directly ripping off Megadeth, absolutely sounds like a lost Megadeth song, complete with solo) but I hear more traditional rock and roll, blues (very explicitly cited for "Dave D. Taylor Blues,") and a touch of early doom (heh) metal in some of the other ambient tracks. I feel like comparing the two scores really shows where metal music is at today versus thirty, forty years ago. Metal in the early 90s was still very much in the same family as more traditional rock and roll. These days it's unrecognizable -- I try listening to newer stuff and it's all the same djent stuff, which is yet another example of why I don't listen to metal much anymore. This isn't to say djent is bad, but it's oversaturated because djent, apparently, is what sells.
  11. Now here's the burning question: 3DO levels, or PC levels?
  12. I've dabbled in map-making for years, for Doom and Duke 3D, but never releasing anything, losing interest after a few days. But I've made enormous progress on my GAYhem map in just a week. It's probably the fact that there's a deadline.
  13. Duke has some wonky gameplay to be sure but I can't agree, I just prefer the way Build feels as an engine. Even if it's objectively worse to map/mod for compared to Doom/GZDoom.
  14. I too enjoy seeing realistic locations. While I had played Doom first, I got very deep into Duke Nukem 3D and playing user maps for it long before I got the copy of Doom II that changed my life.
  15. Darkening 2 was the one that really kept me coming back.
  16. Arch-Violence was such a cool idea that wore out its welcome in a hurry.
  17. Some shots of from my upcoming map "By Any Means Necessary." I'm really proud of how much I've gotten done in a relatively brief amount of time without losing interest. Taking a break for a few days before I get to work on the next section.
  18. RE: the status bar, I prefer the flag designs. I'd rather be called a slur than given the pink triangle. Maybe let players choose.
  19. I like the weirder, maze-like, more exploration-heavy kind with a lot of custom art to give it a fresher look. Bonus points if it tries to look like a real place and not just an abstract techbase or hell castle or whatever. I don't really get a lot of these unfortunately.
  20. Why would you ever. MyHouse is a singular thing, an extremely meta production that pays tribute to quite a lot of things about the history of Doom modding. It definitely isn't your typical map.
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