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june gloom

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Everything posted by june gloom

  1. I'm actually more excited for this than I am for Hellion!!
  2. What did you like about Extermination Day?
  3. I really liked the vibe of that map to be honest, with the music and the way it immediately follows on from the insane 2nd act finale. Definitely one of my favorites and perfectly paced and placed. Thank you for making it.
  4. I should have an overall review up on my boomer shooter blog after I finish Plutonia (wanted to post my reviews of both TNT and Plutonia together.) That might take a little while but I'll be sure to share the link here when it's ready.
  5. And done. Aside from a few missteps this has been one of the most satisfying experiences I've ever had playing Doom. I'm so proud of everyone for getting this thing out the door.
  6. Made it to MAP30 and I'm going to be honest, this is an insane level. The amount of creativity on display for what's ultimately one of the most bizarre and out-there maps I've ever seen is staggering. I should have reviews for the third episode up eventually, but I did want to bring your attention to a noclip bug in the bathroom near the two-bed bedroom, if you charge straight at the toilet (the one with the two stimpaks) from the door you'll clip behind the wall. [ETA] And another in the secret lab with a message to the player, close to the entrance.
  7. Hope nobody minds my bumping this thread to link my nascent boomer shooter blog, which covers Doom and Doom-engine stuff but will eventually encompass a lot of things. (As a bonus here's my more general review blog.)
  8. I agree about pistol starts. I play continuous because it's just more logical to me. Pistol start should be an added challenge, not the assumed default.
  9. Honestly TNT2 so far has felt like a combination of Plutonia's rollicking violence with TNT's sense of adventure and occasional flashes of DoomCute and I'm here for it. Just wrapped up MAP23 and the wad feels better and better the more I play it.
  10. Thank you so much. This really is a super weird WAD, storywise, hence my Axiom Verge comparison. Also, just an absolutely lovely soundtrack. I use Arachno for it and it sounds fantastic, especially Bucket's stuff.
  11. Progress has been slow but I wanted to say that MAP22 made me realize that, at least vibes-wise, TNT2 might be the Axiom Verge of Doom megawads. Just great, surreal stuff.
  12. Sunlust for sure. Really had to rethink how I approach Doom with that one.
  13. I apologize if I came off as rude, I was just trying to be direct, because I've seen this kind of lament before: I'm not getting feedback, therefore people are purposely avoiding me; I'm struggling to make friends, which clearly means I'm being gatekept out of the community. Ultimately posts like this are a cry for attention and validation, but they do that by framing the overall lack of engagement as something being done to the OP rather than just a fact of a disconnected, slow communication medium that is old-ass web 1.0 forums like Doomworld, which is frankly unfair to everyone reading this thread from the word go. Nobody here owes anyone anything except basic respect (and again I apologize for being abrasive) -- if you're not getting the kind of feedback and engagement that you want, it's on you to figure out why instead of blaming others. So, again, the answer here -- and this is the touching grass part -- is to get one's priorities straight, stop treating the community/the internet as a whole as a personal hugbox/dopamine dispenser (and blaming a bunch of strangers for not meeting expectations) and actually get more involved in the community if you want engagement, as it's a two-way street.
  14. It's a forum, it's not your forum. Doomworld is a nice place to be but it's also a relic of a bygone era of the internet (that honestly needs to come back but is neither here or there.) Consider touching grass.
  15. Just did MAP20. You guys are mean. Looking forward to the finale, I've heard so much about it.
  16. Also, I'm really enjoying the unhinged graffiti in MAP15, but I feel like I should express that not only am I still running into the weird AASHITTY bug (so far, only on MAP14 at the end of the corridor you start in and multiple places in MAP15) but it is happening regardless of what port I'm using -- I tested in Eternity and Chocolate Doom. I even got a different copy of TNT.WAD to test and also re-downloaded TNT2 and it's still happening. I'm not having this issue on other levels, not even on that fancy fake ROR on MAP13.
  17. Decided to share my level reviews as I write them -- eventually I'll collect them and post them to my boomer shooter blog. Sticking to the first episode, I'll share the second when I complete it:
  18. It's GZDoom, and I recognize the shapes as the lights being cast from in front of the blue armor, as well as the pedestal the armor is on. [ETA] I looked at it in SLADE and the ceiling heights are definitely not flush with the surroundings.
  19. I did do a search before posting, since I'm obviously a bit late to the party. Anyway, I don't know if this was intentional or just someone forgot to lower the ceiling sectors. It's in the blue armor secret in MAP05.
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