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About T0yOta

  • Rank
    NM100S Enjoyer
    Warming Up

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  1. EP1 NM100S in 11:03 (12:12) E1NS1103.zip
  2. E1M2 NM100S in 58.74 E4M1 NM100S in 42.31 E4M6 NM100S in 3:24.57 N1S2-58.zip N4S1-42.zip N4S6-324.zip
  3. EP2 NM100S in 12:18/12:46 (-23) E2NS1218.zip
  4. E3M7 NM100S in 1:15.00 (-0.57) N3S7-115.zip
  5. E3M4 NM100S in 1:20.31 (-0.2) N3S4-120.zip
  6. E3M5 NM100S in 1:31.89 (-0.8) N3S5-131.zip
  7. E3M3 NM100S in 1:06.20 (-2.14) N3S3-106.zip
  8. E2M5 NM100S in 1:45.71 (-6.29) Edit: Got a much better run right after posting this one 💀 N2S5-145.zip
  9. E1M6 NM100S in 1:30.40 E2M9 NMSPEED in 7.14 N1S6-130.zip N2M9-7.zip
  10. E1M1 NM100S in 19.20 E1M2 NM100S in 1:01.11 E2M1 NM100S in 1:00.37 N1S2-101.zip N2S1-100.zip N1S1-19.zip
  11. Hi, I'm new to submitting demos, here's my playthrough of all Ultimate Doom levels on NM100S. Please let me know if there's anything wrong :] UltimateDoom_NM100S.zip
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