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Everything posted by TheRevenant212

  1. Honestly, can't really say. Never was crazy for Tom as a Doom mapper (not that I don't like his maps or think they're bad, I just think they tend to get a little same'sy, if that makes sense). I do love some of the pretty out-there ideas he had for Doom 1 though. But the majority of said ideas weren't even implemented into the final game, so who knows really? Doom 2 also likely would'nt have any of the more weird or experimental maps that it's become known for. Due to Sandy not filling in Tom's place.
  2. I've always wanted to make one of these, but as someone who doesn't know jack shit about custom textures, this may be a tad bit out of my wheelhouse for the moment. I do love me some Doomcute-themed maps tho!
  3. Okay, so I like to lucid dream, and I remember this one time I lucid dreamed that I was in Mount Erebus (which is my favorite D1 map) and Doomguy was by my side, helping me.
  4. a banana peel that stays completely static until Doomguy walks over it, before promptly slipping, leading to an instant death.
  5. Man, Maximum Doom and D! Zone are such weird and oddly fascinating little rabbit holes. Also, please... ...never link to that wiki ever again.
  6. The PSX Doom vibes are strong with this one.
  7. This sounds awesome! I always wondered what Doom 1 would've been like with Tom's original vision. Generally I'm very interested in cut content for the Doom games, so I have always been super into anything regarding the Doom Bible. I really liked Doom Delta which is a mod that was heavily inspired by The Doom Bible, so I think I should really dig this, when it releases! I'm definitely excited to play Doom 1 like never before! I'm scrolling through the thread, looking at the updates, seems to be moving along very well! The maps seem very solid and accurate. You guys really did your research with this one!
  8. Definitely interesting. As shit as it looks, it also has a charm to it and might be fun or interesting to play.
  9. Well, there goes a night's sleep that I'm never getting back...
  10. Self-explanatory! I want to see Doom-related art that you guys have made.
  11. Guys, never mind, don't waste your time. Turns out I'm just really dumb.
  12. I believe that upon further exploration, I found the issue, but if I'm still having issues with it I will! Turns out that I had the floor touching the ceiling and not vice versa. So I will try that.
  13. So, I've been trying to get this f**king door to work for the past hour and despite my efforts, it hasn't. I've been following this tutorial: HOW TO MAKE A DOOR IN DOOM (QUICKLY) - YouTube Any suggestions?
  14. Title is self-explanatory! Come with a creative reason for deathmatch to exist in the world of Doom! (Yes, I know that the developers definitely weren't thinking about storyline when creating deathmatch, but I still think it may be fun.)
  15. So, as some know that last year, I released the first map from my first Doom project "The UAC Escape". 

    Since then, I have changed computers and generally have had many other projects to work on. But, if your (for some reason) actually wanted to get to play it, don't worry, because I am still working on it, but production is paused for the time.


    Also, to clarify, when I made the first post, I thought that "mega-wad" referred to a wad that contained more than 1 map. Apologies for any misconceptions!


    Thanks, and I hope to post more projects again soon!

  16. So, I downloaded and messed around in it a bit. It's perfect! Thanks for the recommendation, man!
  17. So, the vid is about parts of Doomguy's character that most new-comers overlook. So for background footage, I'm looking for something with lotsa demons to kill. Hope that narrows it down.
  18. 0kay, so I'm working on a Doom video at the moment and need background footage. My idea was to just play some wad and record some parts of my playthrough. Does anyone have any wads that would make for good background footage (and also not make me die 1000 times)? If so, it'd definitely be helpful.
  19. Alrighty then, I'll try that. Hopefully my luck changes
  20. Okay, so I have all of the IWADS in their own folders, but I have my source ports saved onto my desktop directory (mainly because it makes playing WADS easier)
  21. All on the same drive, don't know about the directories. I'll check
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