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About Goliath

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  1. ME!!!! lol, Anyway, whats up guys?

    1. Show previous comments  20 more
    2. deathbringer


      When will Raptor return? we need a good laugh...

    3. insertwackynamehere


      He was banned for calling the mods dumbasses in the losers forum.

    4. Bloodshedder


      This whole blog was an invitation to flaming.

      Oh, and gatewatcher, you need to get some new material.

  2. Something came up and I have to move and take care of a family memeber who lives in shit wisconsin.... Anyway he doesn't have a computer and my brother needs mine here so I won't be posting anymore here for a while. There is a good chance I will post from time to time but not unitl christmas...or I buy a computer in wisconsin.. Anyway no more dumb Right winged talk and no more "America is the best"

    I'll Be Back!!!!!

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. DooMer87



    3. Darkman 4

      Darkman 4

      We're loosing more and more idiots each day. It's sad really.

    4. Melfice


      Darkman 4 said:

      We're loosing more and more idiots each day. It's sad really.

      Yeah, why aren't you one of them?

  3. AS most of you know I'm a die hard republican and most of you guys and girls disagree with me but despite my Republican ideals, I hate Bush. First of all I don't hate him for going to war with Iraq, I hate him for being a dumbass. He seems to think that the US can just run the world and change things without any help from the UN or other nations.

    The thing that pisses me off is that before the war with Iraq other countries, mainly Europe were finaly starting to somewhat like us. Now they fucking hate us and it is mainly because that fuck alienated Europe and other countries and now they hate us and they will do anything to spite us.

    So thats my two cents, and this is probably going to get shutdown but I just wanted to bitch.

    1. Show previous comments  20 more
    2. DoomDiz


      Bush is a friggin' dimwit. My kiten seems to posess more political wisdom than that moron!!! I am particularly sickened by the fact that the gov't can only give funding to homeless shelters that are religious, and how he banned anykind of meaningful stem-cell research, and how he "stacked the deck" on his bioethics council............the people who disagreed with his views were fired!!

    3. The Ultimate DooMer

      The Ultimate DooMer

      BlueSonnet said:

      I doubt the conservatives will win the next election, but i'm sure Blair's term as prime minister will soon come to an end.

      Of course it will, that's the idea...Brown's been setting it up for ages. I just hope he doesn't follow Bush's protect-big-business-at-all-costs-and-sod-everyone-else policies. (and with Brown being an accountant I can't help thinking he's got links)

    4. Fletcher`


      To all of you politicians: You suck.

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