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I'm curious if anybody has played Doom midis with their own band or anything. Here's a few that I've found: Mucus Flow: https://baerdcyn.bandcamp.com/track/drowning-under-a-waterfall-cover Map04 Sunlust/Ancient Aliens: All of Andrew Hulshult's Doom stuff:
is blood actually as good as people think it is?
My Celium replied to roadworx's topic in Everything Else
In my opinion, Blood deserves all the hype. The hitscanners in Blood are the reason I play Blood and removing them would be a terrible mistake. I can't play Duke Nukem or Shadow Warrior because while the realistic environments are cool, the build engine movement and shooting just feels very mediocre and the enemies are really boring. It feels like I could be playing Doom instead. Everything in Blood is fine-tuned around the Cultists, and the rest of the enemies don't matter. The fact that cultists have very little wind-up time makes you play it completely differently from every other shooter which is what makes it fun. It's doing something different from the other shooters in that era. No other shooter can make me feel so frantic. The fact that you have a really high jump and can jump over enemies makes it very very fun. The weapons in Blood are extremely reliable and useful against the enemies. In HL1, a game that is also notorious for very strong hitscanners, the HECU are bullet sponges. They take a couple shotgun blasts at medium range (If I recall, this may be just on Hard difficulty) and the MP5 takes forever to kill them. Your grenades are very unreliable if you aren't skilled at using them and they need a lot of setup time. Also, you can't stop enemies from shooting by making them flinch. In Blood, your shotgun almost always can 1 shot cultists at close-medium range. If it doesn't, they'll almost always get stunned. Your tommy gun can stun an entire group of cultists if you spray around the room. Cultists in blood have AI that makes them stop shooting for a few seconds after flinching from damage. I think they also do this when bullets pass near them but I don't know. Your flare gun alt fire, dynamite, and napalm are also extremely dangerous, effective and consistent. Most levels also give you a decent amount of health if you know the secrets. I will say there are some bullshit rooms. The dining car in the train level is almost never consistent for me, you don't have the weapons and ammo for it most of the time. But once you get familiar with the levels, I think that even ep3 and 4 are really fun. After you start knowing the enemy placements a bit, you can start playing really aggressively. Jumping headfirst into a room full of cultists, explosions flying everywhere, everything is screaming. This fluidity is something that does not happen in Duke, Doom, or Half Life. Just watch this playthrough (E2M4 is a good example): -
I'm replaying 2016 right now, the first few levels are a lot more boring than I remembered.
I've finished HL1 and HL2 last year, loved them a lot. I have played almost every notable immersive sim, I really like them but they aren't my favorite. For monolith shooters other than Blood, I liked Condemned and found FEAR very boring and easy. I'm probably going to play through the Master Chief Collection and then COD4. It seems like they're the most representative in the genre and they'll give me the most interesting experiences. I liked Doom 2016, but yeah I feel like it's a weird middle child between Doom 2 and Eternal. I had a friend who speedran Timesplitters. How would I play it on a PC today? I absolutely hate playing FPS games on controllers but if there is a KB+M mod I'll check it out.
So up until a few years ago I started playing singleplayer shooters due to the classic FPS craze around 2018 or so. Before that, I think the only singleplayer shooters I ever played were a few hours of HL2 from the Orange box and the Shadow Warrior Remake because it was free on Humble Bundle. The defining thing about the Classic/Retro FPS craze that started around 2016 or so was that it was in opposition to "Modern Shooters." If you look at interviews with the DOOM 2016 developers for example, they said they wanted to move away from the trend of cover shooters with regenerating health, and ultra-linear level design. Over and over they insist how ground-breaking "push forward combat" is. Did video games before Doom 2016 not have aggression at all? As a person who never played anything before that era, an FPS campaign is synonymous with 90s style shooters. I cannot imagine how an FPS game would work without a pistol/shotgun/rocket-launcher/bfg setup and keycards, it just seems alien to me. This "Modern Singleplayer Shooter" is like a myth to me, something I accept for granted but I've never actually experienced. I've never played COD, Battlefield, or Halo, and these are series that I associate with Multiplayer, not singleplayer. My assumption is that nobody really plays the singleplayer campaigns of these games and only care about the PvP modes. What I've been (jokingly) told is that after the year 2000 all shooters became bland, colorless, military simulators without any humor, complexity, or strategy. This can't possibly have been true. I want to branch out to different games and see shooters from a different perspective. What shooter should I play that is as far from retro-style FPS games as can be?
Yeah, infinitely tall monsters fundamentally changes certain encounters and makes them a lot easier.
Most people who really love Doom agree that the bestiary is one of the best and most unique in any FPS game. They're such a well designed roster that even after 30 years, people still haven't gotten bored designing and playing encounters with them. I think that the reason why Doom's enemies stand out so much is that the player has very limited movement which forces you to wrestle directly with the demons for space. In Doom, you can't jump over enemies, you cannot dash away from them, it's scary to use the rocket launcher in cramped situations, and the enemies have giant hitboxes which block exits. When millions of pinkies, hell-knights and imps start teleporting into a slaughter map, you cannot ignore them. You have to deal with them right now lest they disperse and claim all of your available territory. Territory you need if you want to escape an archvile's zap. This necessitates the use of tactics like monster herding, infighting, and deep-rocketing. This is what makes Doom's combat interesting at both the micro and macro level, from Sigil to Sunlust. You are constantly scared of running out of room, which in most other FPS games isn't often a problem.
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When I was playing Ancient Aliens MAP10, a text screen didn't appear like it should at the end of the level like it does in GZDOOM. Is this a glitch or intentional about the source port? Also how do I turn it back on?
all doomwads are canon, ergo DoomGuy is santa
How would I go about making an HD texture pack?
My Celium replied to My Celium's question in Editing Questions
Thanks for the information. I think for now I am going to stick with the original 128x128 because its simpler and I've tested a bit and what I want to accomplish doesn't require HD sizes. I've looked around at other forum posts and some people have said that its better to make it a pk3 instead of a wad. What is a pk3 and what programs would I use to make one? I also am somewhat confused about the TEXTUREx file and lumps in general. When I look in slade, it seems like wall textures are made up of other sprites, but they aren't their own sprites. Do I have to worry about texture lumps? -
I want to make a texture pack with textures above the 128 pixel limit as well as not being limited by any palette. What I am wondering is which source port would allow for this, and would it be compatible with other source ports? For example, lets say I have a texture which is 1024 px and it works in GZDoom. If I import it into something like PrBoom+, will it automatically scale it and limit its palette? Or will it only work with GZDoom? If what I want only works with GZDoom I am fine with that. What program would be the best to accomplish this? What file format should it be? WAD? pk3? .zip? Also, how would I edit entity textures? In slade, I can't find the sprites for enemies and items in TEXTURE1 or TEXTURE2 in DOOM.WAD.
I've already played Death Wish, I enjoyed it, especially the set pieces but the combat wasn't really for me. I really enjoy almost all of the original levels for Blood made for monolith except for Post-Mortem because I think they use cultists really well. Death Wish didn't satisfy my taste for hundreds of brown and grey robe cultists in one level, I don't enjoy fighting gill beasts on land that much. Instead of giving a long list of Blood levels, give 1 or 2 mapsets that are really, really high quality. Quality>quantity.
My favorite thing about Doom that separates it from almost every other fast-paced shooter is that dodging projectiles feels viscerally satisfying. Although I am a very big fan of Ultrakill and Doom Eternal, sometimes I just want pure and simple movement without dashing or invincibility frames. Whether it's fighting against an ordinary crowd of imps, being in a punching match with a baron, or using the BFG like a battering ram against a Cyberdemon, it's always exhilarating to see and hear the projectile whiz by. My favorite moments in doom are when there's an encounter in a map where demons surround you on all sides, and I get transported to a pure flow state where I feel like I can effortlessly dodge every projectile, even when it's behind my back and I cant see it. The power of stutter stepping. That's why I also find fast monsters fun once in a while because it forces me to be very attentive to projectiles. Although it's kind of a meme to say that most doom enemies are just imp clones but bigger, the enemies that aren't provide all the variation I need. I remember while studying Orbital Mechanics for Physics class in school, I suddenly connected the concept of centripetal force to homing revenant rockets and it blew my mind. They are so much more complex than other homing enemies in other games, such as the vores in Quake or those tall red wizards in Dusk. In those games, either the projectile speed is too fast or too large that you cant really exploit it in unique ways. The last thing I want to say is that it could be an interesting idea if walking in Doom made you have more control over your player by making Doomguy have less acceleration. Doomguy kind of feels like he's always on rollerskates with how long it takes to speed up and slow down.
thanks for all the tips guys, ill practice these strategies in a bit. ive been trying to train myself to be more deliberate in my movement. some of my friends tease me for running into fights like a headless chicken.
(edit: broken video link)