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About Proxy-MIDI

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    Music composer (at your service).

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  1. Just don't think about it pal...
  2. Congrats for this premiere ! The map was a bit easy and the fights were avoidable. Next time, try to reduce the space to let the player make the fight and have some trouble in that case. ;) The architecture was correct and the last room was pretty interesting to its conception. That was pretty original ! I hope you will keep this creativity for the next upcoming maps. ;)
  3. Hello there. I replaced the map that I previously made by another one. I think this one will be perfect for this wad. I'm waiting for your feedback ! ;) Download the map here. Title: Nam-Cap Author: Proxy-MIDI Slot: MAP04 New Textures: Yes, the ones from the texture wad. New music: Yes, from "Sonic Adventure 2". Tested and working with: Boom and GZDoom. Description: Did you get that feeling of deja-vu ? Screenshots of the map :
  4. A troll map. With an abusive number of monsters and a crappy music. I've nothing else to say because I freaking hate this kind of Sunder-esque map. :/
  5. :ahem: May someone just test my map please ?
  6. Congrats for this premiere, Caith Sith. It was pretty good ! The map was well designed and balanced. The details brought to this wad were welcome (the lights, the cracks etc...). There were some glitched textures and an elevator which works only once for some reason but oh well... Btw, I know I'm repeating myself but fighting the Doom II's monsters with only a simple shotgun should earn a mute or a ban because it's a fucking crime ! Please do not make this same mistake ! >_<
  7. Excellent map ! I had a lot of fun on this one ! The fights inside this space station were pretty tough but satisfying and the architecture was pretty good. I had some "Ion Fury" vibes at some moments. Keep goin' ! ;)
  8. Well, this map has the good idea to repeat each floor with new monsters and items. But the problem is it's way too long and repetitive. At the end, I was becoming insane and the goofy music was not here to help you to stay calm. :troll: Nice try tho'.
  9. Wow, indeed ! This was a great map. In terms of visuals this was something ! The fights are intense and well placed so it gaves to the player the feeling to be harrased.
  10. One vote for "Pirate Doom". It was pretty unique ! <3
  11. I updated the very first post. Normally you just have to put the wad with the others and then, run it.
  12. Hello there. Here comes a first version for my map. I hope you will enjoy ! ;) Download it here. ;)
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