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About Calinou1

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  1. 1920x1080 is not an integer multiple of the game's base resolution (neither 320x200 nor 320x240), so you'll want to use a different screen resolution to avoid this issue in source ports that don't use integer scaling for everything. On a 1920x1080 display, the highest you can go while ensuring integer scaling is 960x600 (960x720 with aspect ratio correction). If your display doesn't accept this fullscreen resolution, you'll have to play in a window and use IntegerScaler to remove borders and insert a black background. If you want the game to use aspect ratio correction, you should also change the sprite scaling setting in DSDA to "Doom format" (I don't remember where it is exactly, perhaps in the status bar/HUD options). The ideal solution would be to modify the source port so that it always draws 2D elements at an integer multiple of the original scale, even if this means text will appear slightly smaller at fractional scale factors. GZDoom has extensive options for this (with separate sliders for menu scale, HUD scale, status bar scale and console scale). A short-term workaround is to upgrade to a 1440p (6x scale) or 2160p (9x scale) monitor, which don't have this issue for any 240p games :)
  2. Sorry for the bump, but I was thinking about this a few weeks ago. I was wondering if there's been any efforts towards recreating the demos from scratch in two ways: Write a tool that converts vanilla demo lumps to ZDoom demos. This is only possible if ZDoom demos store positions instead of actions (like Quake demos), which I don't think is the case. Nonetheless, I'm putting this here just in case :) Replay the demos while looking at the originals and trying to mimic them closely. As silly as it may sound, this may be the easiest avenue to get something that looks like the original (even if it's not). This means taking the same route, picking up the same items, killing the same monsters and dying at the same spot. It makes sense to use vanilla compatibility settings for this purpose, although I don't know if that can mess with demo compatibility for future GZDoom versions. A community effort could be used to organize this for all the IWADs out there (including shareware/demo IWADs if people really feel like it). I wonder if a similar approach could be used for Raze – does it support any form of demo recording and playback?
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