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Async Unicorn

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About Async Unicorn

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    I Love A Rainy Night
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  1. Looks very promising and interesting. If I manage to make a map for RAMP and one secret project soon enough and if there'll still be open slots - I would like to participate then. Otherwise, well, I may play it in the future, when it'll release, that's a very interesting map set, :P
  2. Niko Bellic Mikhail Faustin Michael De Santa Max Payne
  3. It could be better since 2020, and especially since 2022. Nowadays, I feel like I'm just going with the flow. These years feel so hollow, brutal and sinister. Sometimes, you know, I think that 2010s were a time of unfulfilled hopes and dreams, it felt much more positive than the 2020s that just started and already makes me sick every time I read the news. There are some positive things in my life that happened in recent years, but if I could go back in time with all I have - I probably would.
  4. TNT Evilution - Level 20: Central Processing I'm dark and lonely, perhaps also misunderstood.
  5. I knew that Ultra-Violence is Hard, but I was scared that I would see something like "Sunder" or "Chillax" level of difficulty, so I've chosen Hurt Me Plenty for my first walkthrough, lol
  6. Lost Souls, they're already a pain in the ass, but with transparency they would be your №1 Most Hated Doom Enemy.
  7. As player I only don't like Pain Elemental, especially when this bastard is not restricted to 21 Lost Souls, but as mapper I love it, because it's so easy to place it somewhere and make player dance around to eliminate this bastard as soon as possible, lmao, makes gameplay in my maps more dynamic, so, yeah, we have difficult relationships. Generally, I'm also not a fan of Icon of Sin, but it's mostly the matter of right implementation and me, who don't like to hurry in Doom maps. Also, Spider Mastermind is very lame as a boss, because of its Wolf-3D hitscan nature, but at least you can kill it with a couple (sometimes one) of BFG shots. Maybe I'm the minority, but my most favorite monsters are Pinky and Specter, because they're so freaking cute, :з Just look at this pink fluffy boy, isn't he a charming? As for other monsters - I think they're mostly good and have their usage. That's why Doom is ETERNAL (if it counts, ghost monsters bug sucks ass when you're a mapper)
  8. I see some cool looking effects on screenshots... May I ask you, is this a Photoshop thingy? Some plugins or maybe built-in features? Don't know, maybe I'm hallucinating, but they're looking cool when you stare at them from the PC, so I want to learn how to make mine look similar, :D (Sorry that it's kinda unrelated to the wad itself)
  9. Nice avatar :3

    1. Async Unicorn

      Async Unicorn

      Yours too! Thanks! ^_^

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