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  1. It depends on the source port. For chocolate and crispy, you can set it in the controls
  2. I cant decide If I should make it for Doom 1 or Doom 2...
  3. I have recently downloaded trenchbroom to try and create a quakemap. However, all of the textures and models were missing. I went to the quakewiki and it said to go into Edit>Map Properties. But when I go to edit, Map properties is not an option anywhere. If anyone knows how to fix this, please let me know\ Edit: I found the issue. You have to type the directory that contains the id1 folder. Not the actual id1 folder itself
  4. I am using the dhewm source port on an m1 mac
  5. I checked in the settings and I did not find it anywhere.
  6. What is your favorite doom midi from either a pwad or the original doom? My personal favorite is the mucus flow midi. Although repetitive, it is amazing.
  7. gzdoom is essentially zdoom. Also, why are you posting on a discussion that has been inactive for over 20 years now?
  8. What are some doom 1 wad's that are similar to the original episode 1 of doom?
  9. So essentially, my map has a secret where if you enter a door, you get a berserk pack. In this secret room, there also is a switch that allows you to enter the outside area. Is this a good idea? Or should I hide the switch somewhere else.
  10. I have heard both praise and ridicule about Thy Flesh Consumed. What is your personal opinion on it? I personally think it is my 2nd favorite doom episode. But it is impossible to beat Episode 1.
  11. Recently, I have been working on a doom map. In crispy doom, the map looks fine and plays normally. However, playing it in chocolate doom has a few bugs. The first issue is that the textures have pink and black bars on them. (Scroll down to see examples) The other issue is that the midi that I have added doesn't seem to play at all. (Yes, it is renamed D_RUNNIN in the wad) Game09.mid.zip To anyone who knows what the issue is and a way to resolve it, please let me know. Crispy Doom: Chocolate Doom:
  12. The only way I can think of is getting dosbox on your web browser and playing the original version for MS-DOS. There probably is a much better way but that is all I personally can think of
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