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About wheresthelambsauce

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    Cookie Demon
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  1. Maybe a mapset where maps are limited to a specific weapon, and building the map to make the most fun out of using that one weapon.
  2. @Zesiir @Riclo500 @LadyMistDragon Thanks for playing through my WAD
  3. Greetings again. I have been working on a small multi map PWAD, the intention was to get to 8 maps all up as it seemed like a decent number. This release is a bit short on that right now but I wanted to share it with you anyway. Mainly been learning about how UMAPINFO and ZMAPINFO works as well as exploring a little bit more of Boom's features. Any feedback will be good in the meantime as I cook up some ideas for other maps. Note on Secrets Format: Boom IWAD: Doom 2 Maps: 4 (so far) No jumping/crouching (disabled in ZMAPINFO), mouselook is optional Tested on DSDA-Doom, GZDoom and PrBoom+ (requires Boom compatible source ports) Screenshots: UV Max Walkthrough: Extra Credits: James "Jimmy" Paddock - several midis MAP01 - Crunch Time MAP02 - Time Bomb MAP03 - Gr8 808, M8 MAP04 - Phux Ache Ola Björling (ukiro) - OTEX texture set TNT Team - Colormaps Download Link: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1ddx9jMcCZ1qvhhC3PWM8I4O07aYiNeoH?usp=sharing
  4. It hardly uses the Wolfenstein 3D stuff in Doom 2 but I thought the Wolfenstein map in Doom 2 In Name Only was pretty cool.
  5. Looking into making a multi map wad. Up to map 2 at the moment, thinking about doing 8 all up, seems like a decent number to finish at. A pic from the first map.
  6. Awesome map The difficulty is challenging but fair. Once you go through it a couple of times and learn whats coming your way, it is definitely manageable. Keep them coming, friend.
  7. Despite the large enemy count, they are very manageable with gratuitous use of the BFG and invulns. The last room with the Cyberdemons behind the crushers were a bit tedious to deal with though as you had to constantly run back to the previous room to get more Cells. Like others said, some different textures and maybe music would be nice. Congrats on releasing your first map.
  8. Greetings all. Recently I was given a map by an online friend and he wanted to see what I would do with it, so I gave it a Hell makeover and modified it quite a bit. This time, I've been learning a bit about some Boom linedef specials and voodoo dolls, so a Boom compatible source port is needed as the final arena relies heavily on it. The arena might be a bit tricky so make sure you're plenty stocked up before you start it, because you will be leaving it either dead or alive. Looking for feedback mainly on the arena fight, if its too difficult or too long. Format: Boom IWAD: Doom 2 Maps: 1 No jumping/crouching, mouselook optional Tested on PrBoom+, GZDoom, DSDA Doom Does not work on Crispy Doom and presumably any that can't utilize Boom features Extra Credits: James "Jimmy" Paddock - Stream of Embers midi Ola Björling (ukiro) - OTEX texture set Mechadon - DS2SKY12 in Mek's Box 'o Skies Screenshots: 100% Walkthrough from an average Doom player: Download Link: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1ddx9jMcCZ1qvhhC3PWM8I4O07aYiNeoH
  9. Nice playthrough. if Doom youtuber BeefGee taught me anything, running the hell away from the start of a fight is always a valid strategy :D Thanks for playing.
  10. Congrats on releasing your first map(s). Maps 1 and 2 were entertaining and challenging. I did have some issues with map 3 and possibly 4 however as they definitely lacked the ammo to combat the amount of expected enemies on the map, this is coming from a pistol start so I am not sure how it fares on continuous play. A major technical issue I came across is on door/switch activation in the fireblu room in map 3, the ceiling for the entire level gets lowered, probably a tag 0 issue. This was done in PrBoom+. Maybe make the opening to map 3 a little less spicy also.
  11. Aside from the hall of mirror effect in PrBoom, the maps were nice and quick to blast through. One thing I would like to see you try is greater height variations between rooms, things like large stairs or an elevator. Bit of a pet peeve of mine is levels that start you immediately in the enemy line of sights, thought that is a personal thing so do or don't.
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